All talk about dragonball/z/gt

animefreak17 said:
Il put more thought in to my post before making them thanks dude
I do really hope you will. Others will be far more likely to converse with you on fewer, less frequent, more well thought out topics - and far less likely to get annoyed at you.
ayase said:
animefreak17 said:
Il put more thought in to my post before making them thanks dude
I do really hope you will. Others will be far more likely to converse with you on fewer, less frequent, more well thought out topics - and far less likely to get annoyed at you.

I thought everyone was already annoyed with me
devilrules666 said:
Not everyone is annoyed with you, but you have to take on board the triple posting thing. Also bumping dead threads back up for no reason is pretty annoying too.

There was a few thing I wanted to writie down that I thought would be good for those threads
Yeah but at the end of the day those threads are dead because no one else is posting in them. Which means that they have moved and want to talk about something else.
animefreak17 said:
ayase said:
animefreak17 said:
Il put more thought in to my post before making them thanks dude
I do really hope you will. Others will be far more likely to converse with you on fewer, less frequent, more well thought out topics - and far less likely to get annoyed at you.
I thought everyone was already annoyed with me
No-one sane holds a grudge for long on the internet. Change can do you good, as they say. And making a little change in the way you do things around here is almost certain to bring some good will with it.
ayase said:
Paradox295 said:
ayase said:
Running through my head now is the following:

"Is Paradox A: Drunk, B: Parodying af's posting style or C: Paraphrasing/referencing something I don't get?"
D: None of the above.

I'm just sick of the guy double, triple, quadriple, or in this case whatever-you-call-five-times-iple posting in dead threads.
Me too, but I'm struggling to put into context the second half of your post beyond "No it's not, it's a classic".

Unless you know him IRL, it seems that could describe half the people on here, and may or may not describe af17. If you're gonna criticise the guy, it would probably be more relevant to criticise him for the annoying stuff he's actually doing on AUKN (the triple posting etc.) than with assumptions about the life he leads outside of here.

ITT: Advice on how to best criticize AF lolwut
ayase said:
Paradox295 said:
I reeeally don't want this place to turn into that. It's better being a nice little site where it's like "Hey, this show is on sale/just got licensed. Is it worth buying?" and people have pretty decent taste instead of starting threads on freaking everything.
And I definitely, absolutely agree with you on that. People might laugh, but I think AUKN has (for as long as I've known it anyway) always had a bit more decorum than a lot of anime forums. Arguments, petty squabbles, sure. But always carried off to a slightly higher standard than elsewhere. Even our flame wars were largely eloquent affairs.

Oh ABSOLUTELY! Well put too! This place has a better atmosphere than the likes of weabooleague, and is even slightly better than the old Anime-Europe and Anime England forums were before they went downhill, although people on those forums were closer, possibly because there were only two anime conventions a year then, so people actually met up. Now we have a greater number of lesser quality conventions, excluding Minami which continues to be awesome, and also rather exclusive too.

@Para: Not cool. If you think DBZ is crap, why did you come into a thread about it? If you don't like af17, why did you come into a thread he made? Better still, why did you come into a thread made by someone you dislike, about a show you dislike? Looking for trouble much? If you have nothing nice to say, better to say nothing at all.
Sparrowsabre7 said:
ayase said:
Paradox295 said:
ayase said:
Running through my head now is the following:

"Is Paradox A: Drunk, B: Parodying af's posting style or C: Paraphrasing/referencing something I don't get?"
D: None of the above.

I'm just sick of the guy double, triple, quadriple, or in this case whatever-you-call-five-times-iple posting in dead threads.
Me too, but I'm struggling to put into context the second half of your post beyond "No it's not, it's a classic".

Unless you know him IRL, it seems that could describe half the people on here, and may or may not describe af17. If you're gonna criticise the guy, it would probably be more relevant to criticise him for the annoying stuff he's actually doing on AUKN (the triple posting etc.) than with assumptions about the life he leads outside of here.

ITT: Advice on how to best criticize AF lolwut
Yeah. Constructively, and when it's required. And it might seem harsh but I think it's got to the stage now where it is required. Otherwise more people are going to start deserting the place because they're sick of his posts, Paradox's thoughts bear that out.
ayase said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
ayase said:
Paradox295 said:
ayase said:
Running through my head now is the following:

"Is Paradox A: Drunk, B: Parodying af's posting style or C: Paraphrasing/referencing something I don't get?"
D: None of the above.

I'm just sick of the guy double, triple, quadriple, or in this case whatever-you-call-five-times-iple posting in dead threads.
Me too, but I'm struggling to put into context the second half of your post beyond "No it's not, it's a classic".

Unless you know him IRL, it seems that could describe half the people on here, and may or may not describe af17. If you're gonna criticise the guy, it would probably be more relevant to criticise him for the annoying stuff he's actually doing on AUKN (the triple posting etc.) than with assumptions about the life he leads outside of here.

ITT: Advice on how to best criticize AF lolwut
Yeah. Constructively, and when it's required. And it might seem harsh but I think it's got to the stage now where it is required. Otherwise more people are going to start deserting the place because they're sick of his posts, Paradox's thoughts bear that out.
More? Who have we already lost?
So do we lock this thread up now because this thing has gone horribly off topic or do we all answer the question of who has the stupidest hair in dragonball history?
Mutsumi said:
ayase said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
ayase said:
Paradox295 said:
ayase said:
Running through my head now is the following:

"Is Paradox A: Drunk, B: Parodying af's posting style or C: Paraphrasing/referencing something I don't get?"
D: None of the above.

I'm just sick of the guy double, triple, quadriple, or in this case whatever-you-call-five-times-iple posting in dead threads.
Me too, but I'm struggling to put into context the second half of your post beyond "No it's not, it's a classic".

Unless you know him IRL, it seems that could describe half the people on here, and may or may not describe af17. If you're gonna criticise the guy, it would probably be more relevant to criticise him for the annoying stuff he's actually doing on AUKN (the triple posting etc.) than with assumptions about the life he leads outside of here.

ITT: Advice on how to best criticize AF lolwut
Yeah. Constructively, and when it's required. And it might seem harsh but I think it's got to the stage now where it is required. Otherwise more people are going to start deserting the place because they're sick of his posts, Paradox's thoughts bear that out.
More? Who have we already lost?
Alright then, just people without the prefix "more". I have my suspicions though. And if that's not what Paradox was saying then I apologise for putting words in his mouth, but that's what I'm saying.
@Para DON'T YOU EVER SAY DRAGONBALL Z IS CRAP!!!! DON'T YOU EVER!!!!!11!!1!!3 Na but seriously the whole thing with you saying no one likes af was uncalled for man. In future don't say things like that. if something on this post annoys you, just look at another one. Simple as.

Anyways, If Dragonball Z was gonna crossover with another anime, Which one would you people like it to be?
Bleach vs Dragonball vs One Piece vs Naruto vs Soul Eater vs D Gray Man vs Fairytail. All characters running around fighting each other blowing **** up. It would be specultar!