Chrono Mizaki said:
And Citizengeek... this is the last time you are ever going to use that against me. Because after reading that post, you have violated my privacy.
Hah! Haha! You added me as a friend on dA, you post those diary entries publicly; I haven't invaded your privacy at all. But, of course, you have to try to sensationalise it to get your precious attention. I'm sorry, but that's just pathetic -- if you didn't want it to get personal, you should have avoided getting personal in the first place, you didn't, deal with it.
He trying to prove my personal life to be some sort of bad persona.
Well, yes, you do have a bad online persona and as much is glaringly obvious to someone like me (and I've had your nonsense inflicted upon me for about 2 years on various forums and, of course, dA).