Advent Children: Roses or rubbish?

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Aaron said:
I think it'd look so much nicer in HD though...just waiting for them to hurry up with this blu-ray... >_>

Advent Children Complete (the Blu-Ray release) looks awesome! I think there's some new scenes being thrown in, too! ^_^
This is turning into another Evangelion style thread with the way you guys are arguing

I liked AC, true is wasn't everything I had hoped it'd be, part of me kinda wished it'd be more like the game and a little less death and emo in parts but its still a good film in my opinion and far better than FF Spirits Within.

And yes I will be buying this on Blu Ray when I get myself a player
CitizenGeek said:
McIcy said:
This is turning into another Evangelion style thread with the way you guys are arguing

Why is debate such a gigantic deal on AUKN?


because proper debating requires certain levels of intelligence, wit and patience. arguing and flaming require nothing of the sort.
Nyu said:
because proper debating requires certain levels of intelligence, wit and patience. arguing and flaming require nothing of the sort.

Hah, if you think the debate and discussion in this thread are "arguinh and flaming" then you're far too sensitive. Debates are fun; monotonous, banal, repetitive "What anime did you last watch", "what did you buy today" etc. threads. Debates shake it up every now and again and that's a good thing. Seriously, Nyu and McIcy, y'all need to chill the fudge out.
CitizenGeek wants an anime community full of hate, deceit and lies. I can live with that.

McIcy said:
far better than FF Spirits Within.
I agree and disagree, it still holds more of a story than AC, but it's story is just lame and boring, holding nothing to the Final Fantasy series besides the name, no one can win.
I think Advent Children is better than Spirits Within on all counts, really. I did enjoy Sprits Within (saw it on TV, then went out and bought the DVD). It's an enjoyable movie, visually stunning and there's some great voice acting, too. However, it shared absolutely nothing with Final Fantasy, nothing. Sure, the games are all independent of one another, but there are themes and musical scores, styles and other aspects that unite them all; you'll always be able to tell when a game is Final Fantasy, if you understand. But SW really shares nothing at with the series. And that's probably why it failed so gloriously.

Lupus Inu said:
CitizenGeek wants an anime community full of hate, deceit and lies. I can live with that.

What are you talking about now?
CitizenGeek said:
Lupus Inu said:
CitizenGeek wants an anime community full of hate, deceit and lies. I can live with that.

What are you talking about now?
It was a joke regarding your post about debates on a forum, don't be so quick to take things I say so seriously.
McIcy said:
part of me kinda wished it'd be more like the game and a little less death and emo in parts but its still a good film in my opinion and far better than FF Spirits Within.
Eh? Advent Children brought more characters back to life than it killed...

Better expand on that actually;

It took me three sittings to get through this entire film after borrowing it from a friend-- THREE F*CKING SITTINGS; keep in mind I'm one of those people who appreciates cinema, occasionally even the mindless ******** films that allure you for only on reason; it's visual appeal.

FFAC was pure eye candy, nothing more. Like what's already been said, if you think it was anything other than bad storytelling, character development equal to a low budget blue movie, and the continuity of scat porn, then you are by anyones definition, a jackass.

Not so coincidentally, everyone who I've met in real life who adored this film-- was of particularly low intelligence, and their taste in films followed the same ****** stream of crappily developed ideas, awful execution of devices and bad timing, essentially making AC on par with Michael Bay's recent cockbarf.

About AC being a direct sequel:

Most film sequels are broad and explain enough of the past so that a viewer who hadn't seen the prior installations could enjoy it, AND understand what had happened; in all fairness FF7 was a game, but still; characters fell out of nowhere in AC, making anyone who hadn't played or even familiarised themself with the characters involved- not know what the f*ck was happening.

Ask someone who liked this film WHY they like it, and 99% of them won't be able to give you an answer why, which doesn't make them sound like spoonfed asshats.

Btw; Spiritins Within > AC
Kurogane said:
Btw; Spiritins Within > AC

While I do agree with everything else you said, this I do not agree with.

As bad as Advent Children was, it did at least make for good entertainment thanks to the visuals, music and FFVII characters/world. Spirits Within, although a better film in terms of story, was extremely boring, had an unmemorable soundtrack and had no connection to the Final Fantasy games.

Both films were poor in the eyes of most true fans you talk to. Sadly, however, AC does seem to have gotten a fairly good reputation thanks to the brainless masses...

What Square should have done is do what they did with FFVII: Last Order - Retell the original story or part of the original story, adding onto it a little but not a lot. It's quite shocking that the extra that came with the Japanese special edition and the recently released American special edition +1 managed to be FAR more enjoyable than what it was supposed to help sell.

Talking of Last Order, it's annoying Square didn't get Madhouse to do a 4 episode OVA. As happy as I am with the 20 minutes of win shown in Last Order, I would've loved to see a lengthier, less rushed version of what was shown. The Nibelheim part of the story was the best part of FFVII (storywise) and Zack's personality had been a mystery until Last Order and Crisis Core... It would have made for one epic series.
Aion said:
Kurogane said:
Btw; Spiritins Within > AC

While I do agree with everything else you said, this I do not agree with.

As bad as Advent Children was, it did at least make for good entertainment thanks to the visuals, music and FFVII characters/world. Spirits Within, although a better film in terms of story, was extremely boring, had an unmemorable soundtrack and had no connection to the Final Fantasy games.

Both films were poor in the eyes of most true fans you talk to. Sadly, however, AC does seem to have gotten a fairly good reputation thanks to the brainless masses...

What Square should have done is do what they did with FFVII: Last Order - Retell the original story or part of the original story, adding onto it a little but not a lot. It's quite shocking that the extra that came with the Japanese special edition and the recently released American special edition +1 managed to be FAR more enjoyable than what it was supposed to help sell.

Talking of Last Order, it's annoying Square didn't get Madhouse to do a 4 episode OVA. As happy as I am with the 20 minutes of win shown in Last Order, I would've loved to see a lengthier, less rushed version of what was shown. The Nibelheim part of the story was the best part of FFVII (storywise) and Zack's personality had been a mystery until Last Order and Crisis Core... It would have made for one epic series.

I actually watched SW after I watched AC (few months ago), and I thought it was quite decent, which is ten times what could be said for my rating of FFAC.

Thing is, I didn't go in expecting to see a FF related film, but rather just a sci-fi flick in general, and this probably allowed me to enjoy it more than other the FF fanboys did.

While I wouldn't choose to watch either again, I wouldn't subject torture victims to watch FFAC with their eyes pinned open.
I Adored Advent Children.
Sephiroths come-back was amazing, and so was his song.
Classic mixed with rock and it sounded great, Nobuo Uematsu truly is a Genius.
Amray said:
I Adored Advent Children.
Sephiroths come-back was amazing, and so was his song.
Classic mixed with rock and it sounded great, Nobuo Uematsu truly is a Genius.

He was beaten much too easily, and for the music; even Uematsu himself couldn't save the sinking turd that was FFAC.

I fell asleep waiting for the 'dramatic' last fight to end in AC. Booooring and predictable stuff.

Madhouse knew how to do a fight correctly - Short and sweet. Sephiroth wasted no time in destroying poor ol' Zack, sending him flying out the room.
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