6 New BEEZ DVD dated (including New Anime Legend sets!)

Nothing wrong with jumping on the bandwagon, makes for a better road trip ;P and I'm not too fussed about G00 stalling as I now have the complete first season and second season mostly disappointed me, maybe it'll improve on re-watching but we'll have to wait and see.
Dave said:
HdE said:


Good to see this getting dusted off. Any word as to which version it is? The bog standard or remastered edition? Does Endless Waltz factor into it at all?

Not sure which BEEZ version of Gundam Wing its is but I assume they would chose the better remastered version as it does'nt really make sense to release a lower quality version. It bests to ask BEEZ andrew on the forum or Send twit on twitter regrading the matter.

It looks unlikely that Endless Waltz will be included as HMV list the two box set with 5 Disc each which it the same number of discs of either BEEZ pervious Gundam Wing releases which were just of the series.

Just to add again to this. BEEZ have said on their twitter that Gundam Wing Anime Legend release should be the remastered version and more detail should be released with their blog entry on Monday.


HdE said:
Someone's going to have to explain to me why Escaflowne is so beloved by so many people. I've never seen anything of it apart from a handful of trailers on R1 imports. It didn't really look like my kind of show, but the almost universal praise I see for it online has made me curious about it.

Well I believe it comes down to what a unique show it is. While their are plenty of Shojo romance animes out their and a few Medieval mecha shows it escapes me to see a successful combination of the two apart from Escaflowne. A Shojo Mecha series is rare show indeed when the majority of mecha shows are solely targeted at male audience or maybe in some case neutral audiences.
HdE said:
Someone's going to have to explain to me why Escaflowne is so beloved by so many people. I've never seen anything of it apart from a handful of trailers on R1 imports. It didn't really look like my kind of show, but the almost universal praise I see for it online has made me curious about it.

For most people its the nostalgia factor, much like DBZ and Gundam Wing, because they all aired on TV back in the day when anime managed to get decent TV time. Now Escaflowne is unique in its setting, althought the story is slightly less original it has a good mixture of Mecha, Romance and action intertwined with some great animation. I just hope its the "remastered" boxset that japan got a few years ago, otherwise i'm not touching the original DVDs...
Yay for the legends collection. I remember paying more for one dvd of escaflowne than it is now for the complete collection and there were 8 -_-'

I will most proba buy Wing. Havn't seen it since it was on TV so it would be fun to watch again ^^