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  1. J

    Manga for sale!

    Prices lowered
  2. J

    Manga for sale!

    Hallo! Just got accepted to college in Glasgow so having to clear some stuff out! Prices are just a guide message me an offer and i'll let you know! Postage is included in the price There are pictures available for any of the below! .hack 1 - 3 - £8 Air Gear 1 - 10 - £20...
  3. J

    What are you listening to Now thread.

    Four Year Strong - Bada Bing Wit' A Pipe
  4. J

    What manga are you reading now?

    One Piece 19
  5. J

    What manga are you reading now?

    Chapter 440 of Naruto!
  6. J


  7. J

    hello guys!

    Hi! Hi! Hope you enjoy yourself here!
  8. J

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    just purchased the following Naruto 38, 39, 40 Gintama 11 Eyeshield 24 Hunter X Hunter 15
  9. J

    What manga are you reading now?

    Naruto chapter 437 how crazy is it with what happens to Hinata???
  10. J

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    naruto 34-37 I hate how they amend the manga when they translate it In naruto Shikamaru smoking being the best example. They have actually editied out the cigarettes through out the 4 volumes despite how significant they are after Asuma dies. like wtf??
  11. J

    D-Con - Anime Art Convention

    Wish I could make it but busy that weekend Shame as its the closest thing for me being in Inverness! and almost no anime community up here!
  12. J

    What manga are you reading now?

    HunterxHunter 10 Rereading all the volumes yet again ^_^
  13. J

    What are you listening to Now thread.

    The downfall of us all - a day to remember
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    Count to a Million

    16,709 show off! :D
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  16. J

    Count to a Million

    16, 705 lol
  17. J

    anime character name game.

    Killua Zoldyck - Hunter x Hunter
  18. J

    Dragonball Evolution

    I think I actually cried when I saw this it saddened me that much. Grew up living off dragonball, Z and GT. If i didnt own dragonball z dvds I would die at how bad this looks. at least this movie I can just deny its existence and if anyone asks I'll just deny any knowledge of it!
  19. J

    What you guys doing right now.

    watching bad boys 2 and going on ups tracking website to find out where my terratag canvas is!
  20. J

    What did you BUY today?

    Innocent smoothie - pineapples, bananas & coconuts flavour :):)