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  1. P

    Pokemon For Grown Ups

    They've done an excellent job, actually. :D
  2. P

    Woah, what the sh*t is this?

    There's a fourth video now, with a continuing story :D It's uploaded on his YouTube-account. I already thought they're going to continue it, so I subscribed to their channel. Link is here.
  3. P

    Woah, what the sh*t is this?

    Haha, now I read that and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get any sleep this night. I know it's fake (and well done), but I had too many nightmares lately... and this story just took my imagination for new nightmares to a whole new level. Anyone who gets scared easily shouldn't read...
  4. P


    Hey there and welcome :) I also just joined recently, I'm sure we'll get along well ^_^
  5. P

    What The Hell?

    I don't have any problem with not eating meat, since five years now :P I never ate a lion or a tiger, btw. And chickens, pigs and cows don't eat human beings. Don't forget, not all animals are the same ;)
  6. P

    Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

    I still have to wait four or five months until I can see it... I already know I'm going to love it. Too bad Mr. Chau isn't in it, though. :( I loved him as a character!
  7. P

    What The Hell?

    Whoa.... this is messed up >_< I heard about that girl, but didn't see the video. I read on YouTube the puppies were saved? But still, Why don't such people use their brain for once and start thinking about alternatives for killing animals, if you want to get rid of them?
  8. P

    Hellow ^o^

    Thanks! :D I'm a huge fan of Scott Pilgrim. I loved the comics, and enjoy the OST and the game pretty much. Too bad I have to wait until 6th of January until the movie's being shown here... :/ Hello and thanks :D *shakes hands* Is it? Hmm, I'd still have a lot to catch up though. T.T Soul...
  9. P

    Hellow ^o^

    I'm playing guitar... at the moment, we're learning stuff from K-ON! and a track from the Scott Pilgrim-OST ^_~ (Black Sheep) Grüezi Zin5ki! Haha, didn't expect someone to greet me like that :P Nope, which haunts? So are there many Animefans in London? That would be awesome. Thanks...
  10. P

    Hellow ^o^

    Thanks for the welcoming :D I'm not moving for University, it's just that I feel more at home in London, than where I am right now - Switzerland gives me the creeps. :P I used to like Bleach a lot, but stopped watching it at the episodes with a young princess... kinda lost my interest in...
  11. P

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Not the same built, of course... :D It's just something Gameloft did. < this one.
  12. P

    What Games Are You Playing?

    It's a smartphone by HTC and Google, with the Android-OS on it. :P One of the competitors of the iPhone. :wink:
  13. P

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I recently bought the Scott Pilgrim Game on the Xbox 360, and I love it. :D I've been playing it a lot in the past few days... And if I'm on the go (or just feel like playing on a handheld) I'm playing Assassin's Creed on my Nexus One.
  14. P

    Hellow ^o^

    Hey all :D I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Puzzletypo (rather called "Daryl Sudden" in the internet, but well) and I'm 19 years old. I came across this site per Google. :P I live in Switzerland at the moment, but since I'm going to move to London next year, I thought it'd be...