Search results

  1. C

    Review of The Works MVM Anime boxset (blue)

    I found the red one just a couple of weeks ago in my local Works, it hadn't been there at all in the month before xmas so I guess they must be just shifting stock around. It was also reduced to £9.99, so a double bargain at that.
  2. C

    New anime DVD sale dropped their prices at about the same time that HMV last had a slightly cheaper sale. Is there any anime in the current HMV sale, I'm specifically after the GITS:SAC so I can justify not buying the boxset (although I might just break even if I manage to get the last 4 for less than...
  3. C

    Review of The Works MVM Anime boxset (blue)

    My reviews of the DVDs in The Works Anime boxset (blue) I think some of these are going to be repackaged soon which might be why they are going so cheaply. They are all volume 1 of the series except for the ones title Movie or Complete OVAs. Although there are a few stinkers, the set is worth...
  4. C

    Giving Up On the Ol' Anime And Manga.........

    My wife didn't know about my anime fandom for a while after we first met. Then I discovered that she was a bigger fan than me. Liking anime has nothing to do with being successful with women, and women who are prejudiced against anime aren't worth knowing anyway.
  5. C

    im so embarrased!

    Get those DVD boxsets from the Works, you'll get a good 20 DVDs worth of stuff for £30 and find out what styles you prefer. Then you'll be able to say "I like X and Y, can you recommend anything similar?"
  6. C

    Ask our reporter in Japan!

    I'd recommend you try to learn hiragana and katakana (Japanese letters) so you can at least pronounce words and look them up in a dictionary if you don't know them. Impresses people when you read stuff that just looks like squiggly lines to them, even if you have no idea what it says! My...
  7. C

    MVM's massive boxset special offer

    Red, okay thanks. Now to hunt through the pile again...
  8. C

    MVM's massive boxset special offer

    What colour is the second box? My Works store has loads of the action/comedy/kids boxsets and I haven't been able to find the second boxset in the huge pile. They have completely sold out of the first set.
  9. C

    CardCaptor Sakura

    CCS is shown sometimes on the GMTV childrens channel on Freeview, I'm not sure which days but it is at about 6am.
  10. C

    MVM's massive boxset special offer

    Are they definitely all vol 1 despite a couple saying vol 3 or 4? They all seem to be NTSC, is this the case? Fantastic deal which ever way you look at it and the second box looks even better, now I just need to work out what to do with the ones I already have.
  11. C

    MVM's massive boxset special offer

    Has anyone seen these boxsets in the stores yet?
  12. C

    Ask our reporter in Japan!

    What is the current feeling in Japan about the princess marrying a commoner? Is it mostly indifference with a few well wishers like any royal occasion in the UK?
  13. C

    Ask our reporter in Japan!

    That is the same for nearly all the big animated films in English too.
  14. C

    Howl's Moving Castle is moving on...

    Ha ha! A good film overall I'd say, even if I did have to sit in the cinema with about 20 kids.
  15. C

    Howl's Moving Castle is moving on...

    The castle itself reminded me of those monty python animations.
  16. C


    Re: IMAF yay [ I thought with all those Cafe Manga signs they might sell something Japanese there, so I asked and got directions to the Yo!Sushi. I saw one person in Cosplay but didn't recognise the character. Although 3 for 2 is good (about 30% off I think), there wasn't that big a...
  17. C

    Metropolis airs on Channel 4

    So is this 4.10am on Sunday, ie the night after Saturday?
  18. C

    Fightstar the anime fans?

    Only heard a couple of songs by Fightstar. Sounded like a rubbishy Silverchair.
  19. C


    Did I go to the right IMAF? ;-) The place was pretty empty on Saturday lunchtime. Took a few wrong turns before working out that it was up the glass steps. The competition entries were all very good, but there was very little in the way of commercial stuff. £18 for a DVD direct from ADV...
  20. C

    Limited edition GITS: SAC boxset on

    Amazon now lists the 7 disc box for £29.99.