Zeta Movie I
I'm feeling generally unwell today, so it was a nice surprise when this came through the door today... :lol:
And now, to watch it...
Edit: Alright, just finished watching it. Great movie! Easily worth the extortionate Japanese DVD prices and that stupid invoice HMCE slapped me with.
Yarrr, there be spoilers below...
As expected, it follows Tomino's usual disjointed story telling, but unlike the original First Gundam Trilogy I think people who haven't seen Zeta are going to be a bit lost on certain parts. For example, the first Moon arc is totally removed, Wong Lee never shows up, and Haro just springs out of nowhere. I mean literally, we see Kamille on the Argama, and a few minutes later he has a Haro bouncing around after him, with no explanation to where it came from. Weird. Similarily, the Bunch 30 incident explanation is shown, but the AEUG never actually go there. That was actually one of my favourite parts, because we see Reccoa explaining it to Emma as in the original, but it's done with new footage whilst the old TV series footage of Kamille exploring the colony (you never see his face as it's made to look like some random AEUG member, but anybody who has seen the series will notice) is shown on a monitor. It's a nice touch and a great way of mixing the old and newer animation, and something of a shame the transition between the two isn't always as smooth.
Speaking of which, the newer animation is awesome, and looks absolutely stunning. Trouble is, it's so good it really can disrupt the flow of things when it switches back to older animation (this happens quite frequently in the first half). I think the inclusion of old animation is a good idea, but the way it gets run together (example: Char, Kamille and Reccoa enter a room on the Argama [old footage], Char and co in the room talking [new footage], and then they exit into a hallway [flips back to old footage]) seems somewhat odd. However, the revamped combat sequences are amazing. The re-entry battle over Jaburo, and the fight against the Gaplant and Asshimar were for me the best parts of the movie.
All in all a standard Tomino fare, and damn good fun at that. I'm not sure if it's fixed the problems I had with the original series since this only covers episodes 1 through 14, so I'll wait until Lovers comes out before I make a more grounded opinion. Till then, rock on Sunrise!