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Rio - Rainbow Gate episode 1

I read Stuarts post and decided to give it a shot, sadly the first episode felt rushed to introduce us to these characters.

Didn't take it seriously to be honest,I mean how would you let a guardian let a kid roam the equivalent to Las Vegas and somehow ending up attracted to the main character /srs beef

I would file it under the generic ecchi comedy since this episode seemed to show signs of one.

However it did make me chuckle a few times so its not totally bad, give it a good at you own risk.

Kuragehime episode 1 - I was going to start this yesterday (but Mass Effect progress was made instead) but ilmaestro convinced me to watch the first episode last night.

The series seems to be based around Japanese geek culture (I would kinda reference western geek culture for the opening) and very nice how drawn I was to Tsukimi and her room mates.

I was surprised and I laughed when Tsukimi finds out Kura is male, a really well executed moment

Will be watching this ^_^

Devil May Cry episodes 1 - 12 - I can only say average. The game is known for its over the top action and its fantastic storyline but Dante seems to show his coolness from constant talking.

I'm not saying that there are fights in Devil May Cry but there is too much talking made to progress small plot points and the actions feels short and unsatsifying.

I say plot but from episode 1 - 9 there are only 1 episode stories which mostly bored me to death.

So a recommendation would be hard but if you want some of that action, then give it a shot.
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Stuart-says-yes said:
Watched Kimi ni Todoke Season 2 Episode 0, the recap episode, cried tears of manliness, wasn't going to go back and watch season 1 first, as I don't really have time. Now I am making time to go back and watch it.

Poor Ume-chan :cry:
On one hand, yeah, it's a little sad for her, but on the other hand she's not even remotely a sympathetic character so I found it hard to cry for her. She was definitely a lot of fun to be around though, the "battle of wills" between her "act" and Sawako's total lack of perception was what really endeared me to the show.
Stuart-says-yes said:
I call it right now, best show of the season, it has plot, moe, magical girls, a talking animal, trippy sequences, obscure enemy's, and a main character I don't hate.
It took you until it actualy aired.
I had this as best thing all season when the poster got put up with the silhouette and the key staff scribled on it in black marker.
A while ago I just randomly guessed SHAFT would be making a magical girl show about now and that it would inevitably be the best show of the season, can't believe you had to wait for the poster and staff announcements.
I'm going to watch the **** out of this show.

(By that I mean enjoy it for three episodes, mostly forget about it, watch till 6 and then hate myself for not completing the rest)
Well, over the Christmas/New Year period I didn't watch a lot of anime, apart from Vol. 2 of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, which I enjoyed immensely. I forgot how good new FMA can be, it just reminds me of when the original series was shown on Rapture and those one-week waits between episodes were sometimes hell...
Puella Magi Madoka Magica ep 1 - Oh man, I was kind of excited for the show just on the premise and the SHAFTiness, but that pretty much blew me away.

The opening, as so many people have mentioned, the incredible visual concoctions of the "other" world (whatever it is), the delicious character art and subtle animation, the hugely enigmatic actions and words of Homura and also Mami, outstanding central performance from Yuuki Aoi... I think they delivered on most all of their pre-show promises inside one episode. If it delivers on even half of it over the rest of the series, it could be pretty special.

GOSICK ep 1 - Considering I watched this right after the first ep of Madoka Magica and was still impressed as hell by it, I have to say that was some achievement. Victorique has a pipe for heaven's sake, she's way too awesome.

The number of things in this show that feel at odds with each other (the different parts of Victorique's personality, the zany detective working serious mysteries) just somehow seem to work so far, and produce a very unique atmosphere.

The only thing I will say is that the first "mystery" was, intentionally I suppose, too obvious, so I hope/assume this will step up a few levels. I already like the increased scope that the end of the episode suggested for the next story.
Stuart-says-yes said:
Oh shaft, and I though Sore Demo, was the epitome of good anime produced by you.
If you are feeling SHAFTier and SHAFTier the more of their work you watch, Stu, I urge you to go back and watch any of their other stuff that you haven't already. I really should watch Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei at some point myself, but I really want to read the manga first.
Yumekui Merry ep 1 - Oh dat midriff!

Oooohhhhh boy. Seen three shows so far from this season, three great female leads, and Merry actually takes top honors. Wonderfully imaginative character design, great personality, and I died a little when she teared up.

I didn't quite enjoy her show as much as Madoka's, however. The dream world sequences were fantastic, and you can't really have much more fertile ground for imaginative visuals than dreams, after all, but the flip side of this is that I didn't feel entirely "into" the show after just one episode. I think it will come, and there were one or two little personality quirks in the other humans that have potential, but it was a slightly slower and maybe more vague beginning than some others. The character art felt a little inconsistent, too, but I'm prepared to take that as intentional given the nature of dreams and reality in the series.

Nakata Jouji overplaying it perfectly as John Do was fantastic, too.
IS - Infinite Stratos - ep 1 - Mmm, fun ep overall, but not without problems. I thought Houki's first scene talking to Ichika was terrible, way too dere, but that got better as it went on, and I like her visual design. Cecilia was the standout character by a mile, but Toyoguchi Megumi's Chifuyu was great as well. Looking forward to the battle next week, as if the first scene was any indication the action scenes should be their own reward. The ED and especially the OP were both nicely upbeat, I could see myself buying the OP and singing along to it a fair bit. I also like the overall setting/architecture/IS design.

Ichika looking at a bra like it was a quantum mechanics equation and even saying "what is this" might be one cliche too far for some people, though, as this was rather drowning in them (cliches, not bras).
Freezing ep 1 - I liked the violence enough to come back for more, but overall if felt like a very bland blend of WALL OF TEXT and cramped action (being framed in 4:3 in 2011 doesn't really help this).

The last scene actually changed it up a bit and was at least not totally dark and attempting to be "heavy", but the ridiculousness then felt at odds with what had gone before. Ganessa does seem like she might be fun, though, and the ED reminded me of how much the eyecatch made me want more meganekko Satellizer.