Your viewing journal

ilmaestro said:
Will be interested to hear your opinions, Orgun!

vashdaman - er... you know... Japanese TV and stuff.

mangaman - for the third time, what is the significance of the "broadcast order" for Rental Magica?


As for something more on-topic, I will probably just make a big update post with everything I'm watching since I watched a fair few eps the last day or so. I'll just say that the last scene in OreImo ep 3 was borderline perfect.

Huh, no I mean how is everyone here watching it? It sounds like it's had an English release of some kind, but I can't find anything out about it.
Star Driver - Episode 1

Mmmm...when I saw Star Driver in NewType it did look quite interesting and over the last few weeks I have read comments stating that it is like RahXephon but better, but I found this opening episode rather un-inspiring, it wasn't terrible by any means but it didn't really excite me for the rest of the series.

I agree that it looks like it is going to try and be very clever, and while I think the overall artwork is nice the mecha aren't and I'm not sure about the jester people either. It will be interesting to see what the next few episodes bring to the party.

Linebarrels of Iron - Episode 15

I am really enjoying LOI, it's getting really interesting.
vashdaman said:
Huh, no I mean how is everyone here watching it? It sounds like it's had an English release of some kind, but I can't find anything out about it.
It's not being streamed by anyone, if that's what you mean.
Maes is beating 'round the bush 'cause he likes 'em before they grow hair.

What you need to learn is the existence of is torrents. From there, even finding free, easy to download HD anime is easy as easy can be.


Watched FMA: Brotherhood 1-26 in two 13 episode sessions over the last couple of days - re-watching the first ten episodes. Now, I'm waiting for the third set to be released.

The first set covered the manga content from the first anime. The second dealt with the arrival of the Chinese. Only the last 2.5 episodes provided me with truly new content - me having read/on-holded the manga awhile back.

I wasn't irked by the Chinese characters getting thrown into the mix this time around, and even the epic battles struck me as being meaningful - me having previously viewed them as a touch pointless since not a lot was resolved. Ling's ranking in the league of badarse characters who enter serious business mode only when they open their eyes is high.

The 'Truth' business is getting a lil' confusing: Ed opening portals within portals by transmuting then reforming himself, or something... and Al's body patiently waiting at the white void of Truth. To me, it seems like the mangaka is making an effort to make everything seem logical when, really, it's all a bit too convenient - needing to be for the eventual happy ending.

Envy's dinosaur CG form is a bit lame. And if there's no EdXWinry and RoyxRiza by the end, I'll rage 'cause the first anime already dropped the ball in terms of romance.

Also, I'm watching Baccano at the mo. The story itself isn't too complicated but the way everything is out of sequence, with too many characters to count, make it into one hell of a fun clusterfcuk. I'll probably re-watch it at some point in order for the early events to fall into place.

Isaac and Miria make the show a blast by being the required lucky/lovable idiots the viewer needs when everything is such a mess. The best part of the entire show has to be the start of the opening; when the duo rob a store in pumpkin + Santa disguises.
That-Bastard-Bad-Guy-Aion said:
Envy's dinosaur CG form is a bit lame.
The moment I dropped that garbage like it was hot.

One Piece Strong World - It was One Piece to the core, but there was a few things that made me cringe, the humor was pretty awful for the most part, the movie also made realize I have a new found hatred for Sanji and rekindled my hatred for Brooke.

Also started Haruhi season 2, I'll be watching one episode a day and will either actually -try- and watch Endless Eight as the ultimate punishment or just watch the first and last episode of the arc.
ilmaestro said:
mangaman74 said:
Sorry ilmaestro, I missed your query the first 2 times.
That's OK, thanks for the reply. :)

I'm more interested in watching the show now, I have to say.

Do you know if it is "supposed" (not the best way of putting it, but I guess whether the novels are in the same order, or the Japanese DVD release, for instance) to be watched in broadcast order, or was it just something they did to liven up the TV broadcast, as with Haruhi? ... 0000001308

The Part 2 DVD Collection will offer the series’ remaining 12 episodes in both “broadcast order,” as seen on Japanese television (and on the Japanese DVD release), and “chronological order,” according to the timeline presented in the novels that served as the anime series’ inspiration. Additionally, the release will include a book that features well over 100 pages of background information about the series and its mythology. (These supplemental materials were originally included with the Japanese limited-edition DVD releases.)

From Nozomi's site. It seems that the broadcast order is the same as the Japanese dvds and TV order while the chronological order is the order events happen in the novels.

One thing I will say is that the Nozomi release comes with a book in each of the 2 collections - there is plenty of info in theses books - about the the characters (the type of spells they use etc), the various types of magic, the classes of demons (if you have played a Persona or Megaten game you will recognize some of them), plus info on rites such as Christmas and marriage.
Orgun said:
Star Driver

Yeah, I think I'll probably just give it a miss.

I was surprised to see someone speak so highly of Linebarrel though, I might give that a go instead. It seemed to get some pretty bad reviews when it came out at first, but I think that was probably just ANN's season preview.
That-Bastard-Bad-Guy-Aion said:
Maes is beating 'round the bush 'cause he likes 'em before they grow hair.

What you need to learn is the existence of is torrents. From there, even finding free, easy to download HD anime is easy as easy can be.


Watched FMA: Brotherhood 1-26 in two 13 episode sessions over the last couple of days - re-watching the first ten episodes. Now, I'm waiting for the third set to be released.

The first set covered the manga content from the first anime. The second dealt with the arrival of the Chinese. Only the last 2.5 episodes provided me with truly new content - me having read/on-holded the manga awhile back.

I wasn't irked by the Chinese characters getting thrown into the mix this time around, and even the epic battles struck me as being meaningful - me having previously viewed them as a touch pointless since not a lot was resolved. Ling's ranking in the league of badarse characters who enter serious business mode only when they open their eyes is high.

The 'Truth' business is getting a lil' confusing: Ed opening portals within portals by transmuting then reforming himself, or something... and Al's body patiently waiting at the white void of Truth. To me, it seems like the mangaka is making an effort to make everything seem logical when, really, it's all a bit too convenient - needing to be for the eventual happy ending.

Envy's dinosaur CG form is a bit lame. And if there's no EdXWinry and RoyxRiza by the end, I'll rage 'cause the first anime already dropped the ball in terms of romance.

Also, I'm watching Baccano at the mo. The story itself isn't too complicated but the way everything is out of sequence, with too many characters to count, make it into one hell of a fun clusterfcuk. I'll probably re-watch it at some point in order for the early events to fall into place.

Isaac and Miria make the show a blast by being the required lucky/lovable idiots the viewer needs when everything is such a mess. The best part of the entire show has to be the start of the opening; when the duo rob a store in pumpkin + Santa disguises.

Yeah I know, but really I've only just very recently(couple of months ago) discovered the amazing powers the internet has for watching anime for free. My first discovery(thanks to this forum) was the funimation youtube channel and I am still gobsmacked by it, I mean good let us watch. I think I'm happy with just that as it is to be honest.

I was previously living in a cave.
That-Bastard-Bad-Guy-Aion said:
What you need to learn is the existence of is torrents. From there, even finding free, easy to download HD anime is easy as easy can be.
People still torrent? Seriously? That's honestly news to me. What about BearShare/LimeWire/Kazaa?
Jayme said:
People still torrent? Seriously? That's honestly news to me. What about BearShare/LimeWire/Kazaa?
I can only assume you're talking about non-anime stuff in this regard. Don't know if people have dropped torrents in favor of more retro-style download methods on stuff they're worried about being "caught" downloading, but it's still massively prevalent for anime. Coming down slightly I would think as more things get legally streamed to add to the sizeable amount of illegal streaming, but still the most obvious way of watching stuff.

vashdaman: my apologies, it's been some years since I saw someone posting on an anime board who didn't know how people watch currently airing series, and since you've been registered here for a couple years I wasn't really sure what you were asking.
Professor Irony said:
Orgun said:
Star Driver

Yeah, I think I'll probably just give it a miss.

I was surprised to see someone speak so highly of Linebarrel though, I might give that a go instead. It seemed to get some pretty bad reviews when it came out at first, but I think that was probably just ANN's season preview.

Yeah, LOI did seem to get some bad press when it came out and the advertising it got did make it sound pretty naff but I've been pleasantly surprised by it and so far is smashing my expections to pieces.

I personally find that the ANN season previews are often overly critical and that I'm not particularly in tune with reviewers half the time.

As for Star Driver, we'll see how it develops, but I'll watch it anyway because I watch all mecha shows good or bad just so I have an informed opinion of them.
FInished GITS2I. Not as strong as 1 and the existential BS in the repeating memory section really got tedious after a while, the first film tackled it all much better, I'm not really sure why this needed to be made, it didn't add anything really =/
Jayme said:
That-Bastard-Bad-Guy-Aion said:
What you need to learn is the existence of is torrents. From there, even finding free, easy to download HD anime is easy as easy can be.
People still torrent? Seriously? That's honestly news to me. What about BearShare/LimeWire/Kazaa?
For anime lol; it's torrents, IRC, Share or Perfect Dark.
the last two are alien to most of us, and anyone who doesn't know Japanese.

DDL and streams are mostly used by people that don't know how to use PtP or have them blocked by their ISP/ University.
I personaly would be against 2-4GB (Blu-ray rip) direct downloads at all costs. DDL can always give a corrupt file/timeout torrents are more reliable for big files, and are cheaper to run (only use bandwidth to initial seed).
Please stop talking about illegal means of obtaining anime. We do not support that here and sharing the names of such apps isn't helpful.

Yeah - **** that guy who mentioned torrents. Tosspot.

(I'd be more willing to respect the principles AUKN was built on if you respected my insightful lengthy messages.)

Up to episode eight of Baccano. As much fun as watching Isaac and Miria prat around and somehow remain unharmed/inspire others is, the out of sequence events thing has gotten old now. The actual story of alchemists summoning the devil and, as a result of that, all hell breaking loose on a train 200+ years later isn't that great - it was the execution and sheer number of characters/factions involved that made it amazing, to begin with.
Jayme said:
I was thinking about everything really. I know of plenty DDL anime sites, so I guess it must depend on your circles for these things.
No, not really, I guess it's harder to get the numbers for DDLs, but you can easily see how many people download torrents of various things.
Star Driver - Episode 2

Not really feeling Star Driver, looking like a decidedly average show

Linbarrels of Iron - Episode 16

Not as good as the last couple of episodes and a bit silly in places but some interesting developments.