Black Lagoon ep 17 & 18 - Fantastic action-based episodes. Some comedy gold moments like Revy shooting Lotton the Wizard during his entrance speech, but the action was really what kept the adrenaline running high throughout the end of this arc. Sawyer was totally fantastic, definitely need more of her, and I really, really hope Shen Hua doesn't die, either.
From something that fabricatedlunatic mentioned before, I gather than the last six eps are one whole arc? Best to save it until I have time to watch them all in one go, or 3+3, or what?
Full Metal Panic ep 19-21 - 19 was ace, bath scene, origin story, Sousuke being awesome. Great ep. When Melissa walks in to speak to Sousuke while he's sitting on his bunk and he just gives her the mofo-ing look that shows her just how much of a badass he is... great stuff. 20 was fairly interesting, Gauron is always good, Char custom mobile suits are always good. Plus the feeling that the series is actually "going somewhere" by finally coming back to the Whispered stuff. 21, I guess I like the idea, but the pace of its execution was a little rushed. I think you have to take "Gauron is incredibly charismatic" for granted, but still it was a little off, even if they did have Danigan come across as a bit "iffy" in the previous ep. I also have a little bit of trouble feeling too much sympathy for Kaname, for a couple of reasons, so those parts of the ep weren't great for me. All three eps add to the potential for shipping Tessa/Kaname, though, which is a bonus.