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Gravion and Gravion Zwei. Giant combining robot shows are not really my thing, but these were not too bad. Fan service came and went usually without disturbing the story. The characters were pretty well fleshed out, the story worked and had a pretty satisfying ending.

Special A. Quite a fun but mediocre high school show. It has has both comedy and some serious moments. The main premiss is that there is a special class for the 7 top students it also does not hurt that apart from Hikari the main female character they are all from wealthy families. The series is mainly about Hikari and Kei and about how she always comes up second best to him even if it should be impossible. The rest is mainly about the relationships between the members of this group. If you like School Rumble or His And Her Circumstances it might be worth a watch, but don't expect it to be quite as good as either of these.
Durarara episodes 1-4. Amazing series so far from the people that brought us Baccano. A nice mix of supernatural and modern world so far. All the characters have definition and a history some with each other. At the moment it is hard too see where the main character fits in except he will end up linked to everybody else along the way.

From what I have seen so far it is going to be a definite purchase when the DVD comes out.
Nana eps 3 to 9

With the superbowl tomorrow night I wanted to watch two eps of something to give me a slight endurance run. But I started watching Nana and...Well 7 episodes passed. Finally finding some time to actually return to watching Anime though.
Domain of Murder

I was quite impressed with this. When I saw the runtime of 50mins I thought there isn't enough time for a good story their but there certainly was. The dub was pretty decent aswell for 90s anime.
Bamboo Blade Part 2. Overall this is an enjoyable high school show and is quite informative about kendo in the early part. Later on it becomes obvious that it is a coming of age story for Tamaki. Some of the other characters not receiving screen time or story resolution they deserve. Another season would be nice allowing for character expansion and to show if the club can keep improving.

Blade Of The Immortal Volume 3. More flashy violence with no real expansion of the story. It is still all about vengeance although they have started to question if they should carry on as the main targets are dead.
Durarara!! ep 5

This series has more quality in just one of its character than 99% of all other series have in total. And it has a lot of characters.
Infinite Ryvius 1-15

I don't think I've watched a show with so much technobabble. It is relentless. During the unfailingly dull action sequences, most of which consist of various characters shouting nonsensical technical jargon at one another, it's all I can do to not think of doing something more exciting. Like taking a bath.

But the show isn't really about action, and when there is no action, it's reasonably interesting. Infinite Ryvius is concerned with depicting an isolated society--in this case a beseiged ship with hundreds of teenagers on board--that gradually decends into chaos as the fearful inhabitants form factions and vye for control.
Thought I might as well be awesome and use this thread myself! I'm up-to-date with One Piece again (322 - 337). I love where its heading, its emotionally-charged, fun and incredibly One Piece. Even if it is a rescue arc; I'm damn well enjoying it. I'm interested in using the manga to catch up, because then I'd be less likely to catch spoilers and I'll probably fall behind on the anime again. For now, anyway, I'm going to stick to only the anime and wait for the apparent current epic-ness of the manga to catch up in the next two years. ;p It's SO good, though!

I'm still slowly catching up on FMA2 as well, at episode 18 currently and I do indeed like where the series is going, as suicidal as it seems to be. If I was the crying type, I'd totally be bawwing at every episode. Then get weirded out because of some stupid humour straight after, followed by more crying, obviously -- I'll be watching moar tomorrow hopefully.

I have Durararararararara prepped so I might give that a whizz when I can be bothered soon.
Rin Daughters Mnemosyne. Immortal women, sex crazed angels, private eyes, blood, breasts and confusing time jumps make for quite an interesting action series. The main characters are not all that well rounded out considering how long they have been around. Meeting up with some of the ageing characters again is interesting especially when they have a whole back story.

Ghost Hound Collection 2. Somewhere in here are some decent characters and what should be a relatively simple story. But all the supernatural elements and psychobabble made me feel like I had just tried to watch Lain and Noein at the same time. Overall I enjoyed the show but it is not a light easy watch.
Desert Punk. It's another good Gonzo show. Nothing special - it falls into my '7/10; good without being brilliant at anything' zone - but it's been a very easy watch, thanks in no small part to a combination of the perverted humour and Funimation's ever so slightly twisted dub. Right from the get-go, starting with the Hulk lookalike raging over his mother being called a whore and telling clueless Punk that his mother isn't a whore, it's had some great lines.

Episode 11 is the best of the bunch so far; the episode where Punk tried to... 'win over' Junko. Thanks to Funimation, content that was already fairly amusing was made even more funny.

Junko: "Women use anything and everything as weapons."
Punk: "Yeah? Even Birth Control pills?"

I just love how Funi insert totally different dialogue and make it work. :D