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Fluorite Kaz said:
Glad you enjoyed OHSHC so much. =) I guess if you just hear about it it sounds like typical shoujo fluff... You need to see it to believe how good it is.
And that's what I'll be telling everyone from now on. :thumb:
I'm up to episode 14 of Azumanga, having re-watched the first five episodes.

The character introduction period was excellent. However, what followed, starting with the dream episode, wasn't so great. The Sakaki cat issue has gotten reused so much it's no longer funny, Sakaki getting a lot of time and her character not advancing at all, and there simply hasn't been any progression in terms of character development in general. A new character - a more sporty copy of Tomo - has been introduced, but it's gone around in big and increasingly dull circle aside from her. I actually started to fall asleep in places, missing some lines of dialogue as the episode count increased.

It isn't as funny, has nowhere near the amount of likable characters and has none of the romance of School Rumble, which I watched previously. I thought it was going to be great to begin with but now I think of it as a mildly entertaining 7.5-8/10 deal. Its saving graces are Yukari, the drunk, fiery and instantly likable teacher and fap worthy Sakaki.
That dream episode is awful and is the most obvious example of the difficulties in adapting a 4-panel manga into a TV series. All sense of comic timing is lost as jokes--and with them my attention--are stretched to breaking point.

The other problem with Azumanga is repetition. Since the series chronicles three years of high school, we see the same events (sports day, festival) three times each and, really, once was enough. Still, I did enjoy the series overall.
7/10 = one watch in my mind. Worth keeping, maybe, but not amazing. That's why I'm being negative.

6/10 is usually as low as I go unless a series is REALLY bad. Then I pick a lower number depending on my feelings. I tend not to go lower because I usually drop 6/10 series early on.

Right now I'm leaning between 7.5 - the brink of being a watch once series - and 8/10. Like I said, the first six episodes or so - the start - were very good, but nothing has advanced since then, and it's bored me at times.

What isn't doing Azumanga any favours is the lack of male characters (there's a pervy teacher - that's it). A possible relationship between characters means there might actually be depth and something other than comedy to look forward to. Without any romantic elements, a school comedy like Azumanga doesn't offer much, and once the jokes get the old, so does the series itself. The only possible Azumanga romance is a lesbian one, and that's never going to happen because Sakaki is clearly into animal action.

School Rumble had a lot more variation with its jokes and a whole lot of romance, so it wins the comedy war easily.
Maybe I will. If it is indeed a four-panel manga, as Fabio mentioned, then that explains why the content has appeared stretched and over-used in the anime, and it might be more enjoyable to read the manga.

...However, right now I have more than enough **** to shift through. I'm trying to get through uplifting Lament of the Lamb, solid Suikoden III and I still have to read my last two (awesome, epic, Godly, etc) GTO: The Early Years volumes. Of course, I also received 28 volumes of manga the other day to add to my 100's of unread books.
I never really would have expected AzuDai to be your thing Aion. Ultimately it's a pretty pointless, silly show and knowing how much you love Excel Saga I'm surprised you even gave it a try.

You'll probably enjoy some of the later episodes more. I'm thinking about the trip to Okinawa and the episodes centred around exams and holidays, there's a bit more of a narrative to be found in those. I don't think building relationships or adding depth to the characters would make Azumanga any better though - It would make it into something different than the light, slightly surreal, slice of life comedy which it is.

I agree with Fabio that sometimes the comic timing is totally off, I guess that was just lack of material and a 20-odd minute programme to make up, which is a shame. I found myself thinking they could have just extended the OP / ED for another 30 seconds each and tightened the whole thing up. I still love it mind.

As for me: Slayers Next 1-13

The change of pace to small plot arcs with certain (excellent) recurring characters such as Xellos and Martina* means I'm enjoying the second series more than I did the first. The comedy works much better with a decent cast of characters, and it doesn't seem to be taking the 'serious business' fantasy nearly so seriously anymore. More Phil is good too: "Pacifist Crush!!!"

* <3 - I love my deranged fixated women. She seems a little like a prototype for Naga. And who first came up with that hair design with one big ringlet at each side of the face? Cutest anime hairstyle ever.
Bakemonogatari 8-10

I must admit, I have actually developed a liking for this show, it hasn't really gotten all that better from the first episode, but it is a fun watch.

FMA: Brotherhood - 23

"OK, so we're adapting this certain chapter, any overly emotional tragic scenes?"
"Yes, there is one with Jean's mother, when she comes to visit him an--"
"Yeah, pfft, forgot that sissy ****, any good action scenes?"
"Ling captures Gluttony while Fullmetal and his brother fight scar."
"BRILLIANT! We'll just skip all scenes inbetween the chapters and go straight to that."
"Of course, sir. We'll work on the storyboards right now and miss several key moments, like how Ling and Ran Fan identify the difference between the humans and homunculus."

Guin Saga - 19-22

A lot of epic battles going down, shame there's no epic guest key animator or blood being spilled.

Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 9&10

"Mirai, don't you know?"
"I'm... I'm... dead."

Please God, someone license this! I enjoyed it far more than Eden of the East.
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Having a fair bit of time to kill while i was/am in edinburgh, i watched:

Darker Than Black 1-10 - This was quite enjoyable i will say, the first six episodes where probably the better of them all, but it still was entertaining none the less. I guess if i was too look at it as a whole, 7 and 8 where probably the ones which let down the dvd, as they seemed a bit to comical for the series as a whole, while 9-10 seemed to go back to its more action and darker tones. Either way, looking forward to picking up volumes 3 + 4 when i get the chance.

Gintama 30 and FMA: Brotherhood 22 where also enjoyable, but not got much to say on them asides from that.
Slayers Next 14-End

A pretty big improvement over the first series. More characters, a bit of background and starting out silly, but becoming more dramatic towards the end worked very well. For a series I was having trouble taking seriously at all to begin with, I actually sniffled when Lina chose Gourry over the whole world. And some of those injuries sustained in the final battles were a bit harsh. Seeing Amelia smashed against a cliff, then lying on the ground with blood pouring out of her was horrific. It worked though I guess, as it made me realise I did give a toss about the characters and had become attached to them, so the development can't have been all that shabby.

That's got to be one of the most unexpected ways to suddenly get rid of (I'm presuming) two supporting characters at the end as well, which made me laugh out loud (Martina & Zangulus' sudden wedding). I will miss "The only reason you're still alive is because you're the comic relief" Martina though...

On to Try.
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Finished Turn A Gundam and Shigurui yesterday, probably the most amount of anime episodes I've watched in a while.

Turn A was a very good series, but I must admit, I expected more from it after all the praise I've seen about it. Some events in the series just didn't fit well for me, like the death of Gavanne Gooney or Whatever happened to Cancer Kafka and Muron? the pacing was fairly slow too, it was enjoyable but I often questioned "OK, when is something big going to happen?" fortunately I eventually got what I asked for but with only 10 episodes or so left. I adored the both the character designs and the music, there was honestly not one character design I didn't like, although some of them could have been easily placed into Street Fighter IV. The finale was the epitome of DEEP, but the ending was actually satisfying.

Shigurui was alright, I didn't know how it would end up, just turned into a revenge story, if you've seen it once you have seen it all. A decent watch overall, was at least worth the thirteen quid I paid for it. [/spoiler]
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Arbalest said:
Darker Than Black 1-10 - This was quite enjoyable i will say, the first six episodes where probably the better of them all, but it still was entertaining none the less. I guess if i was too look at it as a whole, 7 and 8 where probably the ones which let down the dvd, as they seemed a bit to comical for the series as a whole, while 9-10 seemed to go back to its more action and darker tones. Either way, looking forward to picking up volumes 3 + 4 when i get the chance.

Sweet, I'm not the only objective person on AUKN. You share my DtB opinion; my exact opinion, to be precise. Look a few pages back.

DtB = The best six episode series ever.

On topic: Hell Girl - 19/26

I'll post about it when I rate it.
Slayers Try 1-13 (Yep, that's why I was around at 3am this morning)

Well, after a great couple of opening episodes it moved swiftly back into dramatic territory. Comedy / Drama is such a fine line with me. If a show is going to contain both, it has to be balanced perfectly. A serious show can have moments of comedy, and even a comedy can have serious moments (but these are the hardest to get right - see the final episode of Blackadder Goes Forth for an example of where it worked) but get the mixture wrong and I'm not going to be impressed, and so far Slayers Try is injecting too much serious fantasy-drama.

One plot arc has covered this whole first half of the series (and may well continue) and while I like new character Filia and her interactions with Xellos provide some laughs, she just doesn't measure up to previous additions to the cast. And that may be part of it. Aside from main antagonist Valgaav - who is pretty decent and at least has some backstory, the main guys Lina & Co. fight at every turn are a couple of beastmen (one of whom just looks like a fox wearing clothes - frankly he looks like he'd be more comfortable in Danger Mouse) who, in short flashback sections, they attempt to flesh out by giving near identical backstories stories to Valgaav (that their people were persecuted and Valgaav saved them / was saved). Presumably this is to make them sympathetic further down the line, but when you can see something like that coming a mile off that doesn't make me hopeful for the rest of the story.

Neither of these issues are my main problem though, which is simply... where's my comedy gone? Even though it tries to insert a bit here and there, it's being totally drowned in the main plot. I really thought they'd learned how to do things in Next, (which I'd probably give an 8.4 - 8.6 if MAL would let me. It needs percentage scores out of a hundred) where the characters were manipulated without knowing (and without the viewer knowing) and the plot was revealed gradually, which gave time for a few side quests, short rests and great comedy. By contrast we know pretty much exactly what's going on in Try from the start. Filia wants them to fulfil a prophecy. Valgaav is pissed off at Lina & Co. for killing Gaav. He's going to try and destroy the world. The prophecy is that they have to save the world. Yawn. No amount of Dragon Slaves or Hungry Hungry Gourrys can make me give a toss about that plot.

If I wanted a serious fantasy anime, I'd expect it to be better executed than this. But I didn't anyway. I wanted a comedy-fantasy anime with a plot, which I got the impression from just about the entire internet Slayers was. The original Slayers series had a precarious start. Next was what I wanted. So far, Try is just... Trying. At the moment I feel about Slayers similar to how I feel about Lupin III - The characters are all great, the concept is sound and seems as though it should work well. Sometimes it can be brilliant and give me exactly what I'm after, but it often falls short of my expectations. I desperately want to like it, but it needs to give me something more to like.
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The Devil Lady: 1-6

Not taken with it. I see why Fabio likes it (lesbians/almost a lesbian rape scene) but its stupid plot hasn't endeared it to me.

Jun, the lead, first followed a complete stranger to a warehouse at night, with no explanation given and no force required. She then went in first and, all too predictably, the door was locked by the stranger she followed to an excellent murder/gang-rape location. A poorly designed monster came out, Jun turned into a bigger monster.

Next, Asuka - the stranger Jun followed - explained how she knew Jun, a model, had an inner beast waiting to come out: her eyes. Apparently, in The Devil Lady universe, looking pissed off means you are in fact a monster. I could tell this wasn't thought up on the fly just to get the series going. (Going on the manga description, Jun was changed from a school teacher and into a model - this probably plays a part in the story moving down an illogical path early on.)

After this, Asuka repeatedly threatens to harm Jun if she doesn't follow her orders. This would be fine if Asuka herself hadn't revealed the human race are too weak to beat the 'giga' monsters. Would you really threaten someone who could squash you like a bug? Where the hell is the logic in that?

So far, although it's been mildly entertaining, I see it as no more than an excuse for for suggestive lesbianism (hell, Jun lives with a high school girl who wants to sleep with her!), monster transformations, horror music more fitting for The Omen and all of the usual anime evolution talk. If humans are to evolve, I feel safe saying they won't turn into monsters from the generic anime monster collection.
The lesbianism isn't the only reason I like it. Jun's struggle to retain her humanity and keep her life from falling apart is mainly what kept me interested, since I enjoy introspective character pieces. The giant monster stuff I can take or leave.

Aion said:
After this, Asuka repeatedly threatens to harm Jun if she doesn't follow her orders. This would be fine if Asuka herself hadn't revealed the human race are too weak to beat the 'giga' monsters. Would you really threaten someone who could squash you like a bug? Where the hell is the logic in that?
My interpretation is that it's meant to illustrate the power Asuka has over Jun. An allegorical sub/dom lesbian relationship, if you will.

The story gets seriously retarded at the end, and I know you'll just love it.