In & Out - Rewatched this yet
again on a date, had fun with it as always, Kevin Kline gives a fab performance and I enjoyed the way they contrasted the somewhat superficial acceptance of Hollywood with the small-town people being, for the most part, pretty accepting ultimately - not always true to life for sure (I feel the need to emphasise that sadly), but it puts across the point that being willing to learn and grow counts for as much as getting everything "right" on the first try. A lovely, warm-hearted film with some very funny moments (particularly the hilarious masculinity training tape that Howard listens to in one scene) and it has Macho Man by The Village people on the soundtrack
Little Busters EX (English subbed) - A nice wrap up for what is kind of a "lite" Key-game-based anime series, a bit less impactful and polished than the KyoAni adaptations of Clannad and Kanon, but still very enjoyable, cute, funny and at times appropriately tearjerking. Not sure how involved Jun Maeda was in the anime version of LB but I'd recommend it if you liked the aforementioned KyoAni shows and Angel Beats and I do like that there's a decent amount of it with series one, two and the OVAs to enjoy the world and characters, I do think it's better subbed though, the dub didn't really grab me though I probably should have tried putting it on again in the middle of a later episode of the series to see if it had improved
Nana (English dubbed) - Wow this show was a beautiful, profoundly moving experience, and the dub is excellent (way better than the dub for Honey and Clover), for sure one of the best shoujo/josei anime and I desperately wanted to see both Nanas find happiness and see each other again. Also a really interesting story about the social and societal pressures of compulsory heterosexuality (and arguably compulsory monogamy as well). I wish there was more of it! Could easily have watched way more episodes about this bunch of characters! Great music too, really gets across their passion for it
I am now watching Magic Knight Rayearth (English dubbed) and Patlabor TV (English subbed), really enjoying both so far