Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers of Sorrow (1981)
The further adventures of Amuro and co. continue in similar fashion to the first film, with the White Base constantly on the run, but most significantly having to deal with the most humane face of Zeon, in the form Ramba Ral and Crowley Hamon. There are some more noticeable lurches in the narrative this time, as the film glides past plot points that were presumably more significant in the series, but it's well enough paced and definitely kept me entertained. Again, I don't know how it compares with the experience of watching the show in full, but I do feel like some of the character exchanges would have held far less emotional weight, if not been totally lost on me, had I not watched Origin - particularly between Char and Sayla.
Jujutsu Kaisen ep1
Mappa are bringing their A game again for what seems to be a very slickly made and mostly quite jolly affair, but I was a little caught off guard by how much it resembles the formula for Bleach. I also don't feel like I've really got the measure of what the show is doing tonally as yet; in what had until that point been a mostly lightweight affair, I could really have done without the shot of the monster sexually groping its victim.