Sazazezer Mililipilipi
Completely Average High School Student
I present to you moderate anger, but then i'm guilty of online reading at times too, though i tyr to prevent it as much as possible (though i have unfortunately absorbed the entire of Gantz through online viewers (i was an accident i swear, you know how that series works. I was on the third volume in an hour).
I do avoid it where i can though. Physical manga has a better feel to it and leaves it in chunks you can debate with that reading a whole online batch can't.
I forgot about Kochikame.
The dumb thing is, i read that a few years back, but just the first chapter. It was appalling bad to my tastes. Makes me wonder how it carried on for so damn long.
I do avoid it where i can though. Physical manga has a better feel to it and leaves it in chunks you can debate with that reading a whole online batch can't.
I forgot about Kochikame.
The dumb thing is, i read that a few years back, but just the first chapter. It was appalling bad to my tastes. Makes me wonder how it carried on for so damn long.