Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction ep0
Even being aware of how divisive the choice to open the series with a flash forward has been, I expected to enjoy this more than I did. Really did not care for that at all; perhaps I wasn’t in the mood for a snapshot of society in its death throes, but this just felt like a dreary retread of I Am A Hero without the dark humour. Episode 1 promises to be completely different, so I’ll watch that at least, but this may be a non-starter - if this is where it‘s going, I don’t feel much inclined to stick around.
Tonbo! Ep1-2
My first impression is very much ‘what if Barakamon, but golf’ and I am okay with that; it’s sweet without being overly saccharine and it seems like there’s enough substance to it that it doesn’t feel overly twee. Perhaps in these trying times, going to a quiet island where you can just hit a little white ball seems all the more appealing.
The Fable ep13
I’m a little surprised this has rolled straight on to a second cour, I was expecting a season’s gap at least. Especially as it seems like it hit what would have been a fine place to stop with this episode.
Even being aware of how divisive the choice to open the series with a flash forward has been, I expected to enjoy this more than I did. Really did not care for that at all; perhaps I wasn’t in the mood for a snapshot of society in its death throes, but this just felt like a dreary retread of I Am A Hero without the dark humour. Episode 1 promises to be completely different, so I’ll watch that at least, but this may be a non-starter - if this is where it‘s going, I don’t feel much inclined to stick around.
Tonbo! Ep1-2
My first impression is very much ‘what if Barakamon, but golf’ and I am okay with that; it’s sweet without being overly saccharine and it seems like there’s enough substance to it that it doesn’t feel overly twee. Perhaps in these trying times, going to a quiet island where you can just hit a little white ball seems all the more appealing.
The Fable ep13
I’m a little surprised this has rolled straight on to a second cour, I was expecting a season’s gap at least. Especially as it seems like it hit what would have been a fine place to stop with this episode.