Your anime viewing journal

Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction ep0

Even being aware of how divisive the choice to open the series with a flash forward has been, I expected to enjoy this more than I did. Really did not care for that at all; perhaps I wasn’t in the mood for a snapshot of society in its death throes, but this just felt like a dreary retread of I Am A Hero without the dark humour. Episode 1 promises to be completely different, so I’ll watch that at least, but this may be a non-starter - if this is where it‘s going, I don’t feel much inclined to stick around.

Tonbo! Ep1-2

My first impression is very much ‘what if Barakamon, but golf’ and I am okay with that; it’s sweet without being overly saccharine and it seems like there’s enough substance to it that it doesn’t feel overly twee. Perhaps in these trying times, going to a quiet island where you can just hit a little white ball seems all the more appealing.

The Fable ep13

I’m a little surprised this has rolled straight on to a second cour, I was expecting a season’s gap at least. Especially as it seems like it hit what would have been a fine place to stop with this episode.
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works Episodes 15-25 + OVA COMPLETE (English dubbed) - I preferred Fate/Zero, but enjoyed this a lot too, though I feel the battle of ideals that the second half is centered on could have been better executed, felt a bit "shonen-y" in a way that somewhat lowered the quality of the series overall, but I am still glad I watched it and I will be watching the Heaven's Feel films soon as well :)

Iron Man: Rise of Technovore (English dubbed) - Mostly very good, though some of the humor felt slightly out of place and not true to what I've typically seen of Iron Man/Tony Stark, but overall it was a pleasing blend of anime and western superhero storytelling tropes, and I also appreciated the light echoes of Texhnolyze here and there (not surprising given that Hiroshi Hamasaki was involved). I liked this more than some of the lesser DCAU films though I am still a fan of those and tbf have not seen anything close to all of them even the ones that are most highly recommended :)

The Illusionist (REWATCH, French but doesn't require subs as doesn't really have any dialogue for the most part) - This film is like, Amelie levels of poignant, gorgeously visualised, beautifully scored loveliness, I loved Belleville Rendezvous but this is even better, such a fascinating blend of Chomet and Tati's sensibilities! I am more an animation than live-action viewer, and I also find my enjoyment of foreign films is a bit hit and miss, but I have seen quite a bit of Tati's stuff, and while I'm not a diehard fan I do appreciate his work and am glad I had seen his feature films before watching this :) Oh! Also, I rewatched this with Friend A who really liked it too and we cuddled our way through it lol :)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 4 Episode 9 (REWATCH) - With Friend B, I love this episode especially the moment when
Giles is visibly touched that Buffy wants him to give her away at her wedding to Spike (before resuming his usual relative decorum and reiterating that this is obviously only happening because of some variety of supernatural shenanigan XD).
The whole thing is just such comedic gold! :)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episodes 7-9 (REWATCH) - With Friend C, currently on the two-parter that introduces
Kendra, the vampire slayer who came to be when Buffy was briefly dead at the end of S1. More stuff about Giles' past here too, I wonder if the photo of young Giles in a band is a real pic of Antony Stewart Head when he was young or?

The Irresponsible Captain Tylor Episodes 2-??? (REWATCH, English dubbed) - continuing w Friend A but I'm not sure where we've actually gotten to in terms of Episode number as the Wikipedia plot summaries are a bit vague and the pop up menus on the Anime Limited CE Blu-ray don't show which ep you are on if you go to the episodes sub menu (I do have a note of the title, chapter, time etc. though so we can pick up where we left off next time). Continues to be a thoroughly enjoyable series :)

Cardcaptor Sakura Episodes 19-28 (REWATCH, English subbed) - Episode 27 was particularly magical, still really digging this show, I hope they give it a new uncut dub version with a better dub cast than the Funimation dub for Clear Card at some point, but the Japanese seiyuu are amazing :)

Ducktales (2017) Season 2 Episodes 1-6 - Def one of the best Disney animated shows, I vastly prefer this to what admittedly little I've seen of the older Ducktales, and I also like it better than The Owl House or Kim Possible (at least based on the first few episodes), I have ofc already seen Season 1 though that was a while ago :)
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Tada Never Falls In Love episodes 10-13: avoided finishing this for a few days, as I expected the "open for a second series happyish ending". Lots of soppy emotional stuff for those into that. I just have trouble with the idea of a teenage girl about to become queen of a small European country, who is allowed to swan off and hang out with a Japanese high school boy

Onto a more realistic anime with Orphen. :)
Orphen episodes 1-10: They certainly took their time with storylines back in the dark ages (2002), didn't they? It's been taking two or three episodes to tell a story that in a more recent anime would take up about ten minutes. So much moody music and slow lingering shots across the landscape. Another shouty one, but it's more fun than other shouty anime.
Lupin the Third Part IV

I’ve been watching this in between episodes of other things but due to being a poorly boy for the past few days, I decided to finish it off.

More fun Lupin hi-jinx. I love the Zenigata dub. Makes me chuckle every time he gets frustrated. I know some people have issues with the story line arcs of the newer series but I quite like them. The fact that it’s a mix breaks the pacing up for me and I get reinvigorated to watch more. But then, also the episodic nature is a fun palette cleanser after watching g something like Yowamishi Pedal where a race will take 1.5 seasons 🤣

I think I might actually start part V tonight.
Air in Summer (English) - Episode 1 - 2 (Complete)

It was nice to see more of a certain group of characters from the latter half of the series which we only got a few episodes with originally.
Angel Cop 1-6
well this was ... something. went from an enjoyably silly romp that went at 100 miles an hour with all sorts of fun characters and explosions to a bizarre antisemitic wingnut rant about how the Jews have taken over America and Japan is next. what the hell.

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! 1-2
hey this is actually ok so far, a pleasant surprise. Lemon a cute.
Angel Cop 1-6
well this was ... something. went from an enjoyably silly romp that went at 100 miles an hour with all sorts of fun characters and explosions to a bizarre antisemitic wingnut rant about how the Jews have taken over America and Japan is next. what the hell.

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! 1-2
hey this is actually ok so far, a pleasant surprise. Lemon a cute.

Angel Cop is something. I recommend watching the last episode with the manga entertainment dub where they use a line from Ian Hislop 🤣
Dungeon People episode 4 Barehanded.

Quality Assurance in Another World episode 4 T-posing and tales.

That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime Season 3 episode 64 Doting.

Symphogear XV episodes 3-13 (Complete. The latest season to date and a very solid one to go out on from a character and stakes perspective. Symphogear has been quite the series to follow and I’m glad it got a western release.) 4/5

Tearmoon Empire
episodes 1-12 (Complete. A fantasy comedy series from late 2023 that I overlooked when airing - a shame too as it was a likeable one.) 3.5/5

Tears to Tiara
episodes 1-4
2.5 Dimensional Seduction Episode 4

Days with My Stepsister Episode 4

Failure Frame: I Became the Strongest and Annihilated Everything with Low-Level Spells Episode 4

I Parry Everything Episode 4

Senpai is an Otokonoko Episode 4

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 Episode 64

The Café Terrace and It's Goddesses Season 2 Episode 16
I went straight for the just arrived item rather than keeping on track so
The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in Another World went straight to the Blu-ray player.
Episodes 1-5 already. I'm liking the MC not being 100% goody goody.

Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy S2

Seirei Gensouki

I watched the first episodes of
Tales of Wedding Rings
Cafe Terrace and it's Goddesses
Occult Academy

Maya is rather cool.