I’m really behind on this but here is a few notable things…
Cowboy Bebop Series & Movie
I watched some of this for the first time when it streamed on 4OD or whatever the channel 4 streaming platform is called. I thought I only had seen a few episodes but I saw a lot more than I first thought. Anyway, when I first saw it, I was expecting a more sustained continuous story rather than the smaller adventures the series is comprised of and was put off.
After going back and watching it from the start, I think initially it was expectations and reality not meeting. On a second d watch, I finally got why it’s so loved. I’m probably preaching to the choir but I really loved the series and the film (a great longer adventure). The ending to the series was pitch perfect, I was left wanting more but knowing I would get it. Better to end on top.
Gundam Wing & Endless Waltz
Somehow I’ve never seen either of these. I decided to go dubbed, for some reason I knew I might find the melodrama a little corny and because of that, I’d rather ham it up with a dub than try and take it seriously with subs. I wasn’t disappointed.
I’m not sure I was supposed to find it rather humorous but I did. All of the changing allegiances and the dumb total pacifism (but both sides just murdering everyone), then Wufei’s insane… well everything (“because she’s a women… sorry what?).
Well, it probably sounds like I hated the series. In fact, I had a great time, sure it runs a little long, sure most of the story isn’t story, but it had robots fighting, tech that makes no sense (Zero system, lolz) and fake Char.
Endless Waltz, was a great way to end, sure the villain was annoying and stupid, but the animation was great and I got to see more **** explode.
Under Ninja
I watched this all in one day. I’m pretty sure I have no idea what happened, it was chill, it was violent, it was just weird. Time skips. Cats. WTF? I was very entertained. I think I might have to grab the manga at some point just to see if I can actually work out what was happening, plus this has the feel of an anime that won’t get a second series (which would be a shame) and that ending… well I would like to know more.