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Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha ep 6.
The Pilot's Love Song ep 7. Finally a battle, albeit a dull and predictable one. There is not a single part of this anime that stands out, and I'm starting to find it underwhelming as a result.
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Kill La Kill ep 19 -
Oh lord ..Gamagori x Mako in this episode. Just perfect. Never in my life have I shipped a pairing so hard ..which means someone's probably gonna bite the bullet. Have this terrible feeling the way Ryuuko will go back to her senses is through killing Mako....

these scenes tho ..hnnnggg




Another incredible episode. They just keep bringing em out. Super excited for next week, seems so far away.
One piece episodes 117-123

Strong group of episodes though the hunt the cannon thing feels rather dragged out.

kill La Kill episode 19

Great episode

Everyone seems to have joined Nudist Beach now. I fear Ryuuko may have flipped her lid now though.

Joshawott said:
Wizard Barristers 5-6
1) Kiri-jii is awesome.
2) Nice Mezzo cameo! I miss that show.

I've been on the fence about watching this with so many other shows on the go, would you say it's worth a look then?
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Kill La Kill: Episode 19

I agree with you Dannielle, I don't usually ship people but Gamagori x Mako is so adorable.
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Last exile and fan

Last exiles a pretty good series and the second season at first seems like a generic second season like the second season of gundam seed - Destiny but as the series goes on I start to get in to it because how all the characters interacts with each other near the end and its kinda awkward, not to watch but how the characters react with each other
B Gata H Kei: Yamada's First Time (English Dub via Funimation BD) - Episodes 10, 11, 12

This anime is actually really funny and I'm not surprised that this 2010 show (from the director of Welcome to the NHK) got a lot of positive reception on MAL after watching this series.

Episode 11 and the first half of 12 are definitely the best parts of the series by far and the funniest.

Rurouni Kenshin: Wandering Samurai (Japanese Dub via Crunchyroll) - Episodes 3, 4

Fun episodes.