Your anime viewing journal

Samurai Flamenco (Japanese Dub) - Episodes 16, 17
Kill la Kill (Japanese Dub) - Episodes 17, 18

My reaction to watching Episode 17 of SF and 17/18 of KlK


Well that escalated quickly. First of; given the show's numerous trolling in plot twists I still like Samurai Flamenco and it's quite fun to watch especially when I had no idea about this show until Wakanim picked it up. Now with Kill la Kill, I didn't like the plot and fanservice (I'm not that fussed, but I was hoping it wouldn't have any) at first but after getting to this point I'll say it's getting much better now and I really want to see what happens next.

So overall, SF currently gets an 8/10 (may get an 9 depending on the final few episodes) and KlK has been promoted to 9/10.
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The Pilot's Love Song episode 7

Space Dandy episode 7 - Best Dandy episode so far by far. Maaan. So much fun all the way through, I seriously hope it just goes from strength to strength.
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki! (Japanese Dub via Funimation BD) - Episodes 1 (English Dub), 2

Unlike Dragon Ball Z, Tenchi Muyo is in it's original 4:3 ratio for HD!

Tried the English dub, it's decent but due to the show's age dubs generally don't work in terms of lip-syncing for anime in the 90s (with the exception of some shows) in comparison to the current dubs so instead I'll be sticking to Japanese on all Tenchi related shows (with a possible exception to War on Geminar, the newest of the whole franchise).

Didn't realise the English dub version have dubbed the song's ending. Not to mention the Funimation version doesn't have the usual English text opening and endings, probably because it's Geneon Universal.
One Piece episodes 111-116

Strange they changed the opening titles on episode 116 to show Nico Robin as part of the crew long before they reached that point in the storyline.
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Mikakunin de Shinkoukei episodes 6 & 7: I'm starting to dislike Kobeni less now so I suppose that's a good thing.

Edit: I also watched episode 4 of Space Dandy. This is probably the only zombie-related thing I've ever liked because anything with zombies is bad and the whole setting is overused. I liked the first Resident Evil movie at one point but I was like 13 at the time so that doesn't count. Anyway, I liked Space Dandy's take on it. Too bad I can't be bothered watching the later episodes at the moment. Episode 4 definitely saved the show for me though since I wasn't particularly impressed by the first three episodes. I should mention that I quite like how something catastrophic occurs at the end of the episode and in the next one they play it off like it didn't actually happen. Or if they got saved from it without explaining why. Each episode (except the first one) seems quite self-contained and they basically do whatever the hell they want, regardless of whether or not Dandy lost his eyesight or his legs in the last episode. So yeah, I'll catch up with the rest of this when I stop being lazy.
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Golden Time 19

Heh, that was a funny failed sex
scene. Very fitting.

Just one other thing to say. JUST TELL YOUR FRIENDS THE GODDAMN TRUTH BANRI YOU IDIOT. I'm tired of misunderstandings and plot progression based on poor communication.
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Kill la Kill 19
Wow...just wow. Also, I need to see more of Nonon in that outfit =3
And Gamagori x Mako is so canon.

Golden Time 19
Linda: Tell everyone
Chinami: Hey, what's the sitch?
Banri: Nothing.


Also, if anyone was doubting Chinami liked Yana's a bajillion percent confirmed now!
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