Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest episode 19 Wardrobe malfunctions.
MF Ghost 2nd Season episode 19 Closing in.
Shangri-La Frontier Season 2 episode 31 Flitting around.
Tower of God Season 2 episode 20 Loading.
TsumaSho episode 8 Unfinished business.
Air Master episodes 15-27 (Complete. Not a bad watch but one of the supporting characters was unbearable and the overall story wasn’t anything too special - another random Crunchyroll find.) 3/5
A Town Where You Live: Crossing at Twilight OVA, A Town Where You Live episodes 1-6
MF Ghost 2nd Season episode 19 Closing in.
Shangri-La Frontier Season 2 episode 31 Flitting around.
Tower of God Season 2 episode 20 Loading.
TsumaSho episode 8 Unfinished business.
Air Master episodes 15-27 (Complete. Not a bad watch but one of the supporting characters was unbearable and the overall story wasn’t anything too special - another random Crunchyroll find.) 3/5
A Town Where You Live: Crossing at Twilight OVA, A Town Where You Live episodes 1-6