Marmalade Boy episodes 54-76 (Complete. My overall thoughts on this series are mixed. The melodramatic and repetitive storytelling rarely did any favours to the characters and their development, especially towards the end where I felt the overall quality of the series dropped and the drama became even more tedious. When the story wanted to be subtler with its plot however, I found it more entertaining.) 3/5
I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it more but am impressed that you stuck with it to the end considering your overall impression. I'll always love it though (and for the record I only saw it for the first time in the last 3 or 4 years, so it's not something that my attachment to can be attributed to nostalgia)
Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Episodes 12-22 (dubbed for everything except the last three eps where I switched to subbed) (COMPLETE) - Lovely series, though I wouldn't put it on a par with the original, I hope they make a season 2!
K-On!! (Season 2) Episodes 18-22 (subbed) - while I think the dub for this is good and I give them credit for the lack of nails-on-a-chalkboard voices, the sub is better IMO, so I'm going with that for the rest of the series now. This continues to be very cute and in places laugh out loud funny. Not my fave SOL but definitely up there
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