Your anime viewing journal

It is. The "plot" overall wasn’t too bad. Ultimately I kept watching to see just where it went (honest!), I got a bit tired of all the thrusting being pretty much the same though. There’s only so much you can do when it’s all coming from the same place. The sulking butts though... just.... I’m not going to envision them the same again.
there, fixed
Ms. Koizumi Loves Ramen Noodles ep 10
Yuu seriously needs help with her addiction to Koizumi, she's on the brink of turning Yandere.

Yuru Camp△ ep 10
Drama in my CGDCT show!, but easily solved. And yay Rin will join the OutClub girls for a Christmas camp! 🐶

After the Rain ep 9
Another episode from this week in the current season about friendship.
How to keep a Mummy episode 9 They seem to hint to a darker backstory with Tazuki, it adds some depth to the SoL which is appreciated.

Miss Koizumi loves Ramen Noodles episode 10 The series finally acknowledges how creepy the obsessive nature of one of the MCs is...

Violet Evergarden episode 9 Well damn that was another charged episode, I'm glad the series has built up to this.

Yuru Camp episode 10 Man I need this every Thursday, it soothes my soul

Dragonball Super episodes 19-24
Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card (Dub) Episode 7
Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody (Sub) Episode 9
How to Keep a Mummy (Sub) Episode 9
Ms Koizumi Loves Ramen Noodles (Sub) Episode 10
Yuru Camp (Sub) Episode 10
Let’s see what did I watch yesterday...
Sh*tpost the animation episode 2
Still not getting why there the 2 different voice options.

My first girlfriends a real gal 1-end
Not much to say on this one. It was ok, creepy pedo guy was just... creepy until he went all hulk.

Death match to the parallel world rhapsody 1-6
Very enjoyable so far. Interested to see where they go with this.
HaNaYaMaTa (complete)
Lots of drama in the second half of the series with friendship and family difficulties. The penultimate episode went full blown melodrama which was stupid and then turned out pointless in what happened in the last episode. We got to know more about Hanas story though:
Her parents divorced after her mum spent too much time at work, she at first stayed with her mum, but then moved to Japan to stay with her dad who was an English teacher. So I'm guessing he's the weaboo who named her and why they visited Japan when she was young. In episode 11 her mum comes to Japan to reconcile with her father and then takes Hana home, so she will miss dancing at the festival with her friends, she doesn't tell her parents about this, even though it's her life passion. It also turns out that her dad is staying on for a little while longer, so she could have stayed until after the festival. Then in the final episode the dad finds out, who tells the mum who buys her a ticket back to Japan to make it just in time for the dance (surprise, surprise)
Overall quite enjoyable, but the silly and avoidable drama at the end spoilt it a bit.
The OP is great BTW.
HaNaYaMaTa (complete)
Lots of drama in the second half of the series with friendship and family difficulties. The penultimate episode went full blown melodrama which was stupid and then turned out pointless in what happened in the last episode. We got to know more about Hanas story though:
Her parents divorced after her mum spent too much time at work, she at first stayed with her mum, but then moved to Japan to stay with her dad who was an English teacher. So I'm guessing he's the weaboo who named her and why they visited Japan when she was young. In episode 11 her mum comes to Japan to reconcile with her father and then takes Hana home, so she will miss dancing at the festival with her friends, she doesn't tell her parents about this, even though it's her life passion. It also turns out that her dad is staying on for a little while longer, so she could have stayed until after the festival. Then in the final episode the dad finds out, who tells the mum who buys her a ticket back to Japan to make it just in time for the dance (surprise, surprise)
Overall quite enjoyable, but the silly and avoidable drama at the end spoilt it a bit.
The OP is great BTW.
I find it annoying when SoL and comedy series' force drama towards the end of a series, as opposed to lacing it throughout. It really puts a dampener on things when it doesn't work well.
I find it annoying when SoL and comedy series' force drama towards the end of a series, as opposed to lacing it throughout. It really puts a dampener on things when it doesn't work well.
It's what A Place Further Than the Universe has done so well, so far. Touch wood they can pull off the ending.
That's one I've missed this season, but it's on my watch list at least. Next season is almost wall to wall sequels for me
Seems lots have slept on it. I guess being an original series means no one knows much about it, but it does have the writing/director team behind NGNL and an impressive VA line-up. It is currently second only to the massively over-hyped Violet Evergarden in ratings of new series of this season on MAL.
Seems lots have slept on it. I guess being an original series means no one knows much about it, but it does have the writing/director team behind NGNL and an impressive VA line-up. It is currently second only to the massively over-hyped Violet Evergarden in ratings of new series of this season on MAL.
I had so many shows on the go as it is that it got lost by the wayside. I'll give VE credit that the last few episodes have been great
I still can't believe A Place Further Than the Universe is made by Madhouse, so different from their usual stuff. Really good show though.

@HWR You're also missing out on After the Rain and Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san. I'm sure there's plenty of good shows I'm not watching too though. Hard to watch everything!
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I had so many shows on the go as it is that it got lost by the wayside. I'll give VE credit that the last few episodes have been great
Yeah, it might get into my top 5 if it continues as it has the last 3 episodes, but there are shows that have been consistently great from the start.

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