Your anime viewing journal

Been busy playing games for the last few weeks, but now it's time to catch up on anime viewing.

Attack on Titan s2 ep 5-6. So many questions, so few answers.

Saekano: How to Raise A Boring Girlfriend s2 ep 4.

Sagrada Reset ep 2. The behaviour of the MC really rubbed me up the wrong way. He manipulated those around him into altering events according to his personal morality, with no concern for wheather that would really be best for the people involved or what would happen if something went wrong. I found it quite disgusting tbh.
Your Lie in April Eps 1-6. Pretty standard kinda story so far, however visually stunning and the music is tremendous. Looking forward to watching more tonight.

Also been casually watching History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi over the last few weeks. on Episode 43 now so nearly completed, it's been fun if a bit too silly in places.

Also watched School-Live! on Crunchyroll over the weekend, I was going to drop it after the first episode as the characters were a little too 'cutesy' for my taste, but the reveal at the end of episode 1 really came from left field because of the overly cute characters. I ended up really enjoying the concept of the show, even if the characters were a little too cute from time to time.
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SukaSuka ep 5

Feels like SukaSuka will be diving into its darker elements of its story soon based on this episode. Can't wait

Bastard Teacher ep 6

was an ok episode
Higurashi: When They Cry-Episodes 12-15

You know, as much as I am loving this show, and it's probably one of the most addictive things I've seen of recent, I couldn't tell you what in the hell is happening. Granted, that seems to be by design, given all the answers are apparently in Season 2, but I'm kinda wondering just how specific it will get in regards to answering the questions in each arc.

Sakura Quest-Episode 6

Another main cast member mopes around for an episode? I hope this isn't a trend...
Higurashi: When They Cry-Episodes 12-15

You know, as much as I am loving this show, and it's probably one of the most addictive things I've seen of recent, I couldn't tell you what in the hell is happening. Granted, that seems to be by design, given all the answers are apparently in Season 2, but I'm kinda wondering just how specific it will get in regards to answering the questions in each arc.

You'll get some answers in the two answer arcs from season 1, but yes it'll be season 2 for the full reveals of exactly what is happening. I was pretty happy with the end result after watching the two seasons. The Eye Opening Arc your about to start is one of my favourites because of how well it answers things.


Just watched Kizumonogatari Part 2 - Good stuff and goes someway to answering some of my questions I've had since watching the rest of the series, but it does look like I'll need part 3 to clear everything else up.
Armor Hunter Merowlink

It did have some particularly good action scenes, but I was a little disappointed in how flat the characterisation was in Merowlink (Melowlink?) - even by action movie standards, it felt pretty phoned in. I might enjoy it more a second time through now that I'm prepared for that though.
Berserk s3 ep 5-6. Sometimes brute force really is the best option.

Photo Kano ep 8-13 (complete). I forgot I was even watching this. It felt like watching someone play a vn, only the pictures move. The first few episodes were the intro, then every episode after that showed the route for one of the girls. Passable enough as an anime, but unremarkable and I doubt I will remember much of it a year from now.
Little Busters Refrain-Episodes 9-13 (Complete)

Review coming soon!

Higurashi: When They Cry-Episodes 16-18

I'm sooo glad they're revisiting the Cotton Drifting arc, that's certainly the one that needs the most explaining.
Tsubasa episodes 43-52 (Complete. This was a fun adventure fantasy series with a good set of characters and a great dub. Even though it's formulaic in places it never bored me, which is impressive for a 52 episode series. Overall it was enjoyable) 4/5
Only problem is that I'll have to read the manga to get the proper ending :rolleyes:

episodes 1-5
Tsubasa episodes 43-52 (Complete. This was a fun adventure fantasy series with a good set of characters and a great dub. Even though it's formulaic in places it never bored me, which is impressive for a 52 episode series. Overall it was enjoyable) 4/5
Only problem is that I'll have to read the manga to get the proper ending :rolleyes:

& you'll have to read xxxHolic to get the full ending :p
(well, you don't have to but it feels more "complete" if you do)
Armored Trooper VOTOMS - Episode 1

One of the best opening episodes of any TV series I've seen IMHO.

It did have some particularly good action scenes, but I was a little disappointed in how flat the characterisation was in Merowlink (Melowlink?) - even by action movie standards, it felt pretty phoned in. I might enjoy it more a second time through now that I'm prepared for that though.

I agree it does get a bit episodic and one dimensional at times but in others it has some really good action and suspense. I liked it more second time round but I found that with Pailsen Files as well. I don't know if the 'r' or 'l' is correct, I see both used equally (the fansub group had used 'r')!!