Your anime viewing journal

Re:ZERO - Episode 22 - Man, these recent episode endings are pretty great and very annoying at the same time lol.

Mob Psycho 100 - Episode 7 - Entertaining as usual, that's all I have to say as usual.
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Bleach-Episodes 273-276

Kind of totally forgot about the whole Karakura Town thing...

Bananya-Episode 9

Still Bananya

New Game!-Episode 9

There's a great Hifumi gif to be made from this episode...

Free! Iwatobi Swim Club-Episodes 1 and 2

That OP is pretty damn awesome.
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Mob Psycho 100 ep8

I'm a little concerned the story is heading into more formulaic territory now, but I don't want to be too hard on it when it looks so good.


Lupin III: Part 3 ep15

A pretty decent episode - I got a good laugh out of the dig at the Arsene Lupin fanclub. The framing through the gun silhouette at the start was kind of neat as well, bit of a Dezaki moment.

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Over the weekend...

Alderamin on the Sky
ep 8. A very impressive episode. I'm finding the thought of this only being 13 episodes long very annoying, it'll only just have kicked into top gear by then. I really hope Yen release the light novels over here.

ep 8.

Berserk s2 ep 9.

Handa-kun ep 8. Not the funniest episode, but still decent.

Heart x Hybrid Magias Academy Ataraxia ep 8. Filthy.

Orange ep 9. This still has the emotional punch of a damp sponge.

The Highschool Life of a Fudanshi ep 8.
Mob Psycho 100-Episode 8

Some especially great visuals here. I mean, I know I say that every week but these were some especially especially great visuals!

Free! Iwatobi Swim Club-Episodes 3 and 4

Episode 3: Joining a competitive swimming club when you can't even swim seems like a dumb thing to do...

Episode 4: I appreciate the way Nagisa eats pizza.
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Gankutsuou Episodes 1-8

I remember watching the first 2 episodes or so on DVD way back, and really being bored of it, glad AL forced me to give it another shot. Really enjoying the pacing and the characters in this. Intrigued to see just how things are going to pan out.
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club-Episodes 5-12 (Complete)


I feel an apology is probably in order, to @thedoctor2016 and anyone else who likes Free!. I've said some things about it, things are aren't necessarily positive or nice, and after actually watching it, I can happily say that Free! is a great show. Like, I can't actually remember the last time I've sat down and watched 8 episodes of the same show in one day and I wouldn't have predicted that Free! of all things would be the kind of show to get me hooked like it did. The characters were great and I really enjoyed the story and found myself quite invested. It was a tad melodramatic, but I think that just made it more fun to watch. Pair that with the usual fantastic animation and sound that you expect from KyoAni, and it makes for a hell of a watch. If i did have a complaint, it's that I feel both Nagisa and Gou got short changed in the character department. Gou especially felt like she had nothing to do and had quite little bearing on the plot and didn't have a lot to her character. Nagisa, despite being my favourite out the group, also felt lacking in depth in comparison to everyone one else, and was mostly just there for comedic relief. That aside though, I'd very much recommend the show; thoroughly enjoyable.

Bleach-Episode 279

Really no need for this episode to be 10 minutes of recap. I think the audience knows and remembers who the Visored are, considering they've been in the show since Season 6 (This episode is from Season 14)
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So i made a start on catching up with Hayate no Gotoku recently with the missus and there has been a lot of good episodes. I had no idea Nabeshin actually played a part in some of it as well, which was fun. he's always great to see.
Also, Kizanaiver is a think that i like very much but can't explain why.
The Seven Deadly Sins -Signs of Holy War- episode 1

More SDS and a more pervy Meliodas. Enjoyed it none the less. I like the OP although, still prefer the S2 OPs.