Eps 23-26 of Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East
Smeelia said:I'm quite fond of the attack names, in the dub at least (I really should get around to watching the subtitled version at some point).
Lutga said:Patlabor - The New Files OVAs (eps 1-16)
I'd enjoyed what I'd seen of Patlabor before via the previous OVA series, but this set really felt it took things to a new level of excellence. That said, I'd definitely have to discount the opening four episodes as they rely so thoroughly on the TV series, which I haven't seen. As a continuous arc too, they don't really fit alongside the episodic, self-contained stories told in the other episodes. And in a way, that's the beauty of these OVAs, the sheer ability to tell a self contained story within 25 minutes - varying vastly in tone and content, with the wider concept of Patlabor as a show merely a backdrop for the writer to tell pretty much whatever kind of story or genre they want. Stuff like Snow Rondo, and the Love Hotel episode are masterpieces in subtle melancholy, unspoken love and the grey, brooding skies of the early 90s. The animation quality is strong for a show of its age, and the backgrounds paint the tone of the series so well, as does Kenji Kawai's fantastic score, which definitely plays out as a forerunner to what he did with the first GITs movie.
I'm calling not before 2020.Mangaranga said:GOD EATER - Episode 2
One day we may get a decent 2D/3D show with decent character models that aren't animated at the stupidly low framerates they currently are, but this show certainly is not it, and I spent half the runtime thinking how much better looking and enjoyable it could have been as a traditional 2D animation.
Cowboy Bebop is another one I've only watched the dub of.Professor Irony said:It took me a while to warm to the Japanese voices, but I think the original audio is well worth checking out. I like Megumi Hayashibara far more as Lina than I did as Faye in Cowboy Bebop.
That was amazingly awesome. I'm really enjoying the new episodes.IncendiaryLemon said:Non Non Biyori Repeat-Episode 3
As cute and funny as ever.