Your anime viewing journal

IncendiaryLemon said:
I'd love to buy Kinmoza but the price is a little steep for me at the moment. It's become one of my favourite shows in recent memory so I hope the price comes down a little soon. As soon as it's about £20-£25 I'll definitely grab it.
According to my calculations, it wasn't much above £25 when I ordered it. It seems to have gone up a bit though so maybe I was lucky (plus the exchange rate has been favourable).

I tend to bulk buy things from, it lessens the sting of the per-shipment charge and you pay the import VAT up front without needing to worry about handling fees. It's kind of the best of both worlds, you pay your taxes but you're not robbed by some evil corporation... well maybe Amazon is an evil corporation but it's not quite robbery at least. Prices do vary quite often though and it's almost always more expensive than buying UK releases. Still, I really like this sort of thing and it's not too likely to be released in the UK (though that might change in the future, if we're lucky).

I considered holding off on Kinmoza on the basis that I could later get both seasons together but I just went ahead when the price was the lowest I had seen (plus, I keep seeing your avatar and that reminds me how much I like the show). I wouldn't say there's a need to rush (especially since both seasons are on Crunchyroll and likely to stay for a while). I often find that a problem in my purchasing decisions, it can feel kind of wasteful to spend money on something I can watch elsewhere when I could be buying something I haven't seen and can't watch streaming.
Oh I know that streaming conflict far too well. It ties into the issue of buying a show I've already seen but know I like vs buying a show I haven't seen. If I buy something I've already seen on CR and the like, I'm likely not going to watch it again for a while but I know it's good but if I buy something I haven't seen I get to actually use what I buy straight away but IDK if I'll like it. I've had a surprisingly good list of blind buys with only one blind buy I ended up disliking. I tend to try and balance my purchases as much as possible between stuff I've seen before through other means and stuff I haven't seen. For example, with my birthday money, I've bought 2 shows I've seen, FMA Brotherhood Part 2 and Nekomonogatari Kuro and 3 I haven't, Elfen Lied, Highschool of the Dead and Ergo Proxy. I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up picking up Kinmoza with my birthday money...
Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There! (Japanese Dub) - Episodes 01-03

This certainly reached my expectations.

Oh, and this happened:

Given he's an Otaku (and although he prefers magical girls), he must certainly be enjoying that honestly :lol:[/spoilerbutton]
I watched Episodes 11-15 of Hanasaku Iroha.

These episodes were a bit more dramatic but still very enjoyable. It was good to see a bit more of Ohana's mother, she's a very interesting character and had some great interactions with everyone. I particularly liked that she has at least as many flaws as anyone else but is still treated with respect. Ohana had some interesting comments about the way a drama might portray someone as the "villain" for story purposes but there's often more to real people (these weren't directly related to her mother but were perhaps relevant, as well as to other characters).

I think one of the strengths of the show is being able to take potentially one-dimensional characters and give them depth. Some similar work was being done in the Yuina related episodes at the start of the second half, she hadn't really had a lot to do previously but we got a decent look at her here. I was concerned the story would be a forced "work is great" message but it managed to avoid that (though perhaps only just) and it was mostly fair to the characters. Yuina learned something but she also had some good points to make and in the end she still had to think about what to do with the new information rather than having everything neatly tied up in a "happily ever after" ending. Still, some parts could perhaps have been handled a little better and I wasn't entirely certain about a few points right away.

I'm still enjoying the show, it makes me think and usually in a good way. I'm hoping there's a Nakochi episode or two soon because it feels like she's been in the background a little much recently. That said, perhaps it's just that there are so many good characters that there's not enough time to spend with all of them.
Slayers ep12-13

I definitely appreciate the show more when it's being irreverent and not attempting anything too epic. It was just a little detail, but Prince Phil dissuading the ghosts from attacking by explaining the meaning of life to them felt gloriously pythonesque.
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