Your anime viewing journal

Got started on some of the new series from this season.

Baby Steps s2 ep1. Baby Steps is back! Awesome.

Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan ep1-2. So many problems. The art style is different/cheaper (Kyon is almost unrecognisable), Nagato sounds different from the movie even though it's the same seiyuu, and the pacing is wrong and undermining the humour. But the biggest problem is the source material. No-one could make this manga into a great anime, it just doesn't have a compelling hook to keep viewers invested in the story which is a shame as there was great potential in the premise if the mangaka was feeling more adventurous. I've read up to volume 7 but it never gets any better than this, so I expect most people will stop watching the anime fairly quickly.

Fate/stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works s4 ep1. More of the same.

Heroic Legend of Arslan ep1. An okay start, but it's too early to say if it will become something great.

Sound! Euphonium ep1. It doesn't have the lovable characters of K-On! or the moving music of Your Lie In April, so I'm struggling to see this as being anything other than average going forward.
Seraph of the end-ep 2 : it's alright but I feel like I've seen all this before,still I'll give it a few more episodes to see if it manages to really grab my attention.

Cross ange eps 1-9: I really didn't enjoy this at first,but after a few more episodes it really starting to improve.Ange may started out as a complete bitch but she slowly becoming a more likeable character and it's good to see the side characters are just as interesting.desipte the fan service being a little excessive,I'm actully looking forward to seeing how it will end.
Corpse Party: Tortured Souls (Japanese Dub) - Episodes 01-04 (Complete)

Episode 04 - WHAT?

Rather hard to see (visuals are too dark) but it's not as bad as I heard it was (well the overall reception on both MAL and Hummingbird have been positive). I know it's not as good as the original source material (for those who don't know, Corpse Party is a PSP/PC horror game and this anime OVA is slightly loose from the first game's storyline) but it's pretty entertaining.

Oh, if you don't like gore and such, you probably don't want to watch this. There's a lot of body parts in this series.
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Baby Steps s2 ep2.

Fate/stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works s4 ep2.

Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Alternative Architecture ep1. As always with GitS I'm struggling to keep up with the plot. Seems decent enough though.
Cross Ange ep 10-14

I'm really enjoying this now.i kinda regret putting off watching this until now but at least I can marathon this and it's good to see that they've cooled off on the fan service to focus more on the plot.
Fate Stay Night UBW - ep 14

This was fascinating, having lots of original material in it not in the VN. Suffice to say, Caster's original master is a total jerk. It was awesome to see Illya's maids (who I'd only previously seen in Prisma Illya, so was weird seeing them in this serious context).

Food Wars - ep 2

Didn't find this quite as entertaining as the first ep - I haven't read this part of the manga, but they seem to be making the girl super tsun-tsun in terms of harshness.

Danmachi - ep 2

This is basically the Hestia show now, isn't it? There was lots of her in this ep too, so extra marks all round. There's some fantastic comedy moments here beneath all the fanservice though, and I've definitely warmed up to the idea of a whole cour of this.

Plastic Memories - ep 2

I was surprised they dropped the whole 'she's got so many hours left' bomb this early - but I suppose it was too obvious for them to leave it hanging.

Seraph of the End - ep 2

This ep felt like pretty standard Shonen fare, but was totally lifted by that incredible OP theme from Sawano Hiroyuki. He's just on fire right now, coming off the back of Aldnoah Zero too. Also, Shinoa is one of my favourite characters from the manga, so good to see her coming into the mix too.
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Yeah, I wasn't going to watch DanMachi until I got it on DVD, but all the #Hestia appearing in my twitter feeds provoked me *smile*

Only thing i'll note is a lot of the combat from the light novels seems shortened out, probably to save money to animate more Hestia heh

Still, enjoying it so far, and will definitely pick up one of the Hestia figures coming out for my shelf.
SunlightHeart said:
Yeah, I wasn't going to watch DanMachi until I got it on DVD, but all the #Hestia appearing in my twitter feeds provoked me *smile*

Only thing i'll note is a lot of the combat from the light novels seems shortened out, probably to save money to animate more Hestia heh

Still, enjoying it so far, and will definitely pick up one of the Hestia figures coming out for my shelf.

Yeah, it seems to be whipping through the source material at quite a pace - I thought it'd take it more slowly, but at this rate it'll be done with the first LN by the end of ep 3 or 4.
DanMachi-Episodes 1 and 2
I had to pick this show up after seeing it all over various social networks. I'm enjoying it so far, looks to be a good blend of action and comedy/romance. Looking forward to the next episode.

Ga Rei Zero-Episodes 4-6