Your anime viewing journal

Golgo 13 ep13

Decided to go back to Golgo again while filling in time before the new season starts (or more specifically, until this streaming rights mess sorts itself out). It still entertains me, but at the same time, I find the sheer cheapness of the animation painful at times - it makes me miss even more the wacky directorial hijinks Dezaki could have brought to the table.
Going through my backlog continues..

Shakugan no Shana II (Second) (Japanese Dub) - Episodes 07-12
Shakugan no Shana II (Second): Why? What! Shana II (Naze, Nani, Shana II) (Japanese Dub) - Episodes 01-04
Shakugan no Shana-tan II (Second) (Japanese Dub) - Episodes 01-02

I really enjoy watching this show (though I hear Season 3 is pretty below average) and it gets interesting each time I watch the next episode.
Cleared my backlog this long weekend which was useful. watched Bleach season 14 part 12, Fairy tail collections 13+14 (Got really good once past the filler hell on collection 13), one piece season 6 voyage 4 and Rumbling Hearts.

That collosal binge has left me a bit weak though. Oh yeah, i also rewatched the first few episodes of Railgun season 1 again (up until the level upper arc) and the Sisters Arc from season 2. Needed to get me some Touma after rereading some of the Light Novels as well.
Watched the first 10 or so episodes of A Certain Magical Index. Seems decent but not blowing me away. Plenty of the franchise still left to explore and i've heard Railgun is the stronger series.
Saekano - Episode 12
DanMachi - Episode 1
Plastic Memories - Episode 1

Despite not being the sort of show I'd tend to watch, I actually enjoyed Saekano quite a bit. I loved the Gurren Lagann OP cover in episode 12 too. It'd be nice if it got a second season.
Ep 13 of Shonen Hollywood: Holly Stage for 50 (end)...hint at the end of a possible 3rd season, i'll keep my fingers crossed.
Ep 1 of The Heroic Legend of the manga and already completely in love with the anime.
-Danielle- said:
Watched episodes 5 & 6 of Love Hina. Easy to watch and enjoyable. My bf loves the opening theme :p

Great, isn't it? Probably one of my favourite OP themes.

Which is your favourite girl from the show?
Watched episodes 14-16 of Trigun today. I was a little disappointed with the first half as I went in with pretty big expectations but the show is getting a lot more interesting in the second half with the introduction of a main villain and the Gung Ho Guns.

I also started my first show I'm picking up this season, Sound! Euphonium. It seems decent so far. The animation is gorgeous but that kind of goes without saying from KyoAni but the characters aren't quite there. Granted, it's only the first episode, but when I compare it to say K-On or Love Live! (The only other Music based shows I've seen) the characters seemed a lot more interesting out of the gate. So far, Kumiko isn't anywhere near as interesting as a lead as, say, Honoka or Yui. I'll see how it goes.