Guild Member
Session 16

The crew head to Sedgemoor and find 2 jettys with no boats around at the edge of the swamp. They can see several small islets and several large tree stumps protruding from the water. The largest of the islets have 2 wooden sheds on it.
Archemedes decides to fly around the area inspectinh arouns the islets looking for signs of this unserwater spring. He does not find the spring but does see 2 worgs on the central islet and a snake swarm on another.
After Archemedes reports back Py uses his bag of tricks and gets a badger to wade out and see if the swamp is traverseable. The group goes out to south west islet. They only find one magic ingredient.
Archemedes casts sleep at worgs but fails and then Timmy casts it and manages to get one of them asleep. Arch then distracts the other by flying around overhead and teh others try yo speedily get across and into one of the huts but get noticed. Only Kaylah makes it in.
The worg attacks and Py is knocked off his badger. While some try to fight Timmy disengages and flees into hut. Elleva becomes a bear, bites the 1st one to death and then runs over to gut other one and wakes it! Py gets up and uses catapult magic stone and gets back on badger! Ophelia, in a stop over a previous spell failing, runs into hut! Kaylah steps up and caves it skull in with her quarterstaff!
Thet search for trapdoors in the huts but find none. Timmy finds 2 harvesting kits in the first hut which makes Ophelia jelous as she found nothing. Py goes to the other hut and finds 2 healing potions!
They head north west and find nothing on a small islet, press on to the next where most of the group is oblivious apart from Ophelia, who notices the slight sounds of water bubbling gently. All of a sudden a geyser erupts but its actually a giant scorpion who attacks!
We'll carry on next time with the battle!

The crew head to Sedgemoor and find 2 jettys with no boats around at the edge of the swamp. They can see several small islets and several large tree stumps protruding from the water. The largest of the islets have 2 wooden sheds on it.
Archemedes decides to fly around the area inspectinh arouns the islets looking for signs of this unserwater spring. He does not find the spring but does see 2 worgs on the central islet and a snake swarm on another.
After Archemedes reports back Py uses his bag of tricks and gets a badger to wade out and see if the swamp is traverseable. The group goes out to south west islet. They only find one magic ingredient.
Archemedes casts sleep at worgs but fails and then Timmy casts it and manages to get one of them asleep. Arch then distracts the other by flying around overhead and teh others try yo speedily get across and into one of the huts but get noticed. Only Kaylah makes it in.
The worg attacks and Py is knocked off his badger. While some try to fight Timmy disengages and flees into hut. Elleva becomes a bear, bites the 1st one to death and then runs over to gut other one and wakes it! Py gets up and uses catapult magic stone and gets back on badger! Ophelia, in a stop over a previous spell failing, runs into hut! Kaylah steps up and caves it skull in with her quarterstaff!
Thet search for trapdoors in the huts but find none. Timmy finds 2 harvesting kits in the first hut which makes Ophelia jelous as she found nothing. Py goes to the other hut and finds 2 healing potions!
They head north west and find nothing on a small islet, press on to the next where most of the group is oblivious apart from Ophelia, who notices the slight sounds of water bubbling gently. All of a sudden a geyser erupts but its actually a giant scorpion who attacks!
We'll carry on next time with the battle!