Guild Member
Session 51

The duel will occur at midnight so each person spends the day occupying themselves beforehand. Py listens in to the Network (the spyware he's tricked Newton into installing into the Cogwork Archivist). At this point it seems around 20% of the University's cogworks have been upgraded and joined to the Network. CAS is holding up well as the central server, he's not overheating and is able to process the data. Newton seems to beeee going around the campus showing off "his work" and boasting how it's better than anything Py could come up with. Py sends a secret note to Grayson to update him about the Network being activated.
Timmy heads to the Biblioplex do to research on Kleensdune. He learns that 3 armies fought their way to the Keep of Kleensdune and besieged it. The Tryant then launched his army to start the great war. At first the 3 armies worked well together to fend if the hoardes or summoned monsters and undead. The staff of Kleensdune is a relic of the Tyrant. Did something happen to the staff to allow the armies to close in? Was it supposed to be a trap by the Tyrant? No one quite knows the truth of what occurred but at some point the Tyrantvwas defeated and the staff was lost. Timmy also finds some maps showing how the area looked back in its glory days.
Elleva goes to the Horticultural Society yo speak with Uzmaktok ad she wants to learn how to make better healing potions. Uzmaktok is tending to his Dragon Lillys which have a mold attacking them! Uzmaktok hopes to produce a fire resistant balm from the lillys. Elleva then explains how she wants to produce better healing potions. Uzmaktok agrees that would be a good idea with all the crazy that's been going on recently. She lends him the Herbology book she has and he promises to study it and come up with a plan.
Kaylah goes out and about to get the latest gossip on campus. She takes Cadoras with her on a spy date. Which we will pick up with next time.

The duel will occur at midnight so each person spends the day occupying themselves beforehand. Py listens in to the Network (the spyware he's tricked Newton into installing into the Cogwork Archivist). At this point it seems around 20% of the University's cogworks have been upgraded and joined to the Network. CAS is holding up well as the central server, he's not overheating and is able to process the data. Newton seems to beeee going around the campus showing off "his work" and boasting how it's better than anything Py could come up with. Py sends a secret note to Grayson to update him about the Network being activated.
Timmy heads to the Biblioplex do to research on Kleensdune. He learns that 3 armies fought their way to the Keep of Kleensdune and besieged it. The Tryant then launched his army to start the great war. At first the 3 armies worked well together to fend if the hoardes or summoned monsters and undead. The staff of Kleensdune is a relic of the Tyrant. Did something happen to the staff to allow the armies to close in? Was it supposed to be a trap by the Tyrant? No one quite knows the truth of what occurred but at some point the Tyrantvwas defeated and the staff was lost. Timmy also finds some maps showing how the area looked back in its glory days.
Elleva goes to the Horticultural Society yo speak with Uzmaktok ad she wants to learn how to make better healing potions. Uzmaktok is tending to his Dragon Lillys which have a mold attacking them! Uzmaktok hopes to produce a fire resistant balm from the lillys. Elleva then explains how she wants to produce better healing potions. Uzmaktok agrees that would be a good idea with all the crazy that's been going on recently. She lends him the Herbology book she has and he promises to study it and come up with a plan.
Kaylah goes out and about to get the latest gossip on campus. She takes Cadoras with her on a spy date. Which we will pick up with next time.