Wii conference


Brigade Leader
Best DS line ups

Yoshi Island 2
Diddy Kong racer 2

Wii games
Metriod Prime 3: Corruption
Excite Truck
Mario Galaxy

Nintendo instand winners
In brief:
- Owning a Wii looks like it's just going to be like owning a gamecube, with the added potential for social outcasting inherent in a control method that has you flapping your arms around like a pigeon with C4 strapped onto its back.
- Nintendo assure us that the control method is intuitive, but judging from the difficulty the players had, that isn't necessarily true and it'll require some great programming behind the interface to be playable, more so than with conventional controllers.
- The good news is that, because the graphics look to have progressed from the gamecube about as much as most glaciers have since the GC was released, games makers will have extra time to get the gameplay side of things down in a way that PS3 and 360 titles won't have.
- Overall, Nintendo put on a better show than Sony (damned pickpockets!), but the games they showed were nothing to get all that excited about. They didn't even tell us how amazingly cheap this thing will be and when its out.

Wii will probably end up as a stopgap console in the houses of those waiting for 360 and PS3, and then a console targeted at people who don't usually play games.
Nintendo are about as exciting as my boot, ie. not very.

I want to play some good games, not flap my around with a glorified remote control. I'll see how the Wii turns out, but I'd only get one if it had the best games and variety. Let's face it Zelda, Mario and Metroid is the only thing going to save Nintendo now.
Oh and the fact that they are only good at handheld consoles..

*puts up a flame shield*
Overall all three have pros and cons, they can't be perfect can they? I'm looking forward to the nintendo even if the rest of you think its not going to be good..i don't really mind how the graphics are as to me...its the gameplay that counts for a game. Zelda to me looks very good and the use of the control for it works well. I've not seen the whole conference as yet but it is much more impressive then the rest so far.

Sony was not really great apart from a couple of trailers and the tilt function of the control doesn't look impressive to me. Halo 3 was the only trailer i saw for the 360 and so can't say much for that one though. It may appear as if Nintendo have only Zelda and so on as their only lifelines now but its not necessarily the case everywhere. Fire emblem itself is quite popular and they do get a few FF games on their consoles and handhelds also, Like the upcoming codename: Crystal Chronicles for the Wii and FFIII in full 3D on the DS. So i don't think they are too bad off.
Jesus Christ, Im wading my way through the Wii related videos and im seriously un-impressed, it just looks like a peripheral for the gamecube, Im going to have to reconsider buying this now, sorry nintendo. The only game im impressed by is Red Strike (I think thats what its called, the one with the swords).
Ramen89 said:
Jesus Christ, Im wading my way through the Wii related videos and im seriously un-impressed, it just looks like a peripheral for the gamecube, Im going to have to reconsider buying this now, sorry nintendo. The only game im impressed by is Red Strike (I think thats what its called, the one with the swords).

You mean Red Steel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well i think Nintendo flattened all oposition today. I watched the videos and Nintendo conference was soooo much better than the others.

Very much impressed.
Nintendo totally owned with super smash brothers Brawl. Guess whose in it

SOLID SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In your face sony!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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i just saw SSBB(super smash brothers brawl) and it looks really cool...Link looks great, so does everyone else..i wonder how solid snake will be in it.