What you guys doing right now.

Just watched the end of Natsume Yuujinchou, what a lovely anime series. Can't believe that the fat cat, Nyanko, stole the show in the end! I'm gonna miss this series.
watching supernaturnal season 2, i wanted to watch gurren lagann but i can't because my dvd player has decided it wants to die -cries- i need to get a new one quick considering 85% prob is r1
Saving some bits and pieces on ebay for my mum to get me for my birthday next month. So far...it's all Johnny's Entertainment. Urgh, I'm somewhat ashamed...especially considering it'll be my 19th birthday.
Stuck at uni at the moment, which ain't too bad, browsing the forums. To be honest though, i don't know why i bothered to come in so early, specially when the majority of my classes aren't till 2.
Arbalest said:
Stuck at uni at the moment, which ain't too bad, browsing the forums. To be honest though, i don't know why i bothered to come in so early, specially when the majority of my classes aren't till 2.
Neh... nothing new mate. We have particularly 2 (out of 7) in our class always coming in by the afternoon/late morning at best.

Having my Monday off, doing odd things: research, chores, gaming, sowing <- badge onto my Taekwondo gear.
Jamwa said:
Im at work! :(

but on my lunch atmo so i can get some net access as my work PC doesnt allow access

I'm at work and accessing the net instead of doing it :p

Just got back from lunch and I'm stuffed!
Lucky for some!. were on a secure network and even google is restricted! but ive got a pile of manga next to my phone incase i get bored or am stuck on hold! manga really is a life saver!
I keep manga in my desk also, however doing stuff on the net gives the illusion that I'm actually doing something rather than sitting back with some Claymore. Wish I could do that like.
:lol: Nice Ayase!

At the moment I'm reading over my Best man speach I have to read on Saturday... It's my third time as best man and It just doesn't get any easier. T_T