What you guys doing right now.

In work...abbey bank are jerk offs.
put my (Lloyds) card in the hole in the wall this morning to get out £30 to pay for the taxi i'll have to get to go to the dentist at 3 today. (the idea was to take out the money before work so i don't have to take a lunch and lose even more money today)
but the machine said "it has not been posible to transfer your request" or something like that, and asked me to put the correct amount i'd like in digits (so type in 30) and it said the error message again and said the possible requests are 20,40
so at first glance i was like £20.40? how the hell is it gunna do that? lol

awwell, its one of those days already, might aswell flow with it.
Just checking what's been going on here today, after shaving the hair off a Babie doll...
So what if I did?! It was actually so I could put it in plaster and make moulds for my ceramic figures. Dont worry, guys! I will Manga-tise them! :p
Hiya guys and gals...

Just a note to let you all know that today I blogged about eating out cheaply. I found some money off vouchers for YO!Sushi, Pizza Hut and Burger King. The links are all on my blog, so if people want to save some cash, print off the vouchers.

If I find any more interesting offers, I will let you all know.

M.G xx
Thanks Manga girls

At the moment im contemplating whether to buy a HDMI cable for my 360 whilst working whilst also contemplating whether to buy the Bleach Manga as oppose to the anime as I did'nt enjoy series one part one of the anime.

*continues to ponder*
Foxstripe said:
...contemplating whether to buy the Bleach Manga as oppose to the anime as I did'nt enjoy series one part one of the anime.

Personally i'd go for the manga. In my opinion, so far it's managed to retain its dignity :lol: