What you guys doing right now.

I should be getting ready for work, but I'm not. Instead I'm looking at the new chapters of Loveless in Zero Sum - I hereby crown Yun Kouga as the undisputed Queen of Cliffhangers
The thought of eating anything before 2 in the afternoon sickens me. I haven't had anything remotely breakfast/lunch related since I was 14. o_O

I will have my substitute, Proper English Breakfast.

Cup of coffee and a fag.
Major said:
The thought of eating anything before 2 in the afternoon sickens me. I haven't had anything remotely breakfast/lunch related since I was 14. o_O

I will have my substitute, Proper English Breakfast.

Cup of coffee and a fag.

Me too, can't eat breakfast - at least without it exiting soon thereafter, some way or the other.

Not like I'm awake much before 2pm anyway. :lol:
"Another day another dollar". Been at work for half an hour now an shattered. Feeling stiff from football last night too.
I long for my bed :cry:
Playing Pokemon Diamond, just finished watching the latest episode of Bleach and burning a load of stuff to DVDs. I hate deleting things like films, anime, games, etc. and I've used up 750GB worth of harddrive space so I've had to bring the DVD-Rs out. :(