What was your first manga?

My first manga was either Trigun or .Hack.
Can't remember which I read first, 'cos I got them on the same day. XD
The first manga I read was Battle Angel Alita. The overbearing reason that Battle Angel is number one in my anime top ten is that it was the sole influnce that sparked my passion for manga.

If anyone is yet to read it then I urge them, no I plea with them to read it, as the Battle Angel world is truly an amazing spectacle in itself.[/i]
The first manga I bought was Sailor Moon, followed shortly after by X/1999 vol. 1 (I think this was about five years back. Feels like so long ago...). Though I'd bought the Japanese version of the Ghost in the Shell graphic novel before that, but obviously I couldn't read it ^_______^;;
The first manga I got was Sailor Moon, but the first series I got into was CardCaptor Sakura. And that was only because I had seen the show and knew what it was about x3
My first manga was Urusei Yatsura, principally because I'd already seen a couple of the films and I was aware that the TV series never made it/never was going to make it here.
The first manga I ever bought was a 'flopped' version of the SFII comic adaptation, I was about 9-10 years old at the time. Sadly enough, I think I still have them stuffed in a drawer somewhere, along with a few yellowing issues of DBZ . ;)
Mine was Dragonball Z volume 1. I was 15 and I read every page as soon as I bought it, walking down the street from Forbidden PLanet in London. After that my cherry was well and truly popped - pardon the expression.
Benji said:
my 1st manga was the guvyer does anyone know if its out on dvd
It is - on R1 at least. I'm not sure about whether it's out on R2 - you might have to import. <a href="http://www.animeuknews.net/viewreview.php?showreview=117">Here</a> is this site's review for it, if that's any help.