What manga are you reading now?

Tale of the Waning Moon 4 (end)
Kuroko no Basket 4

@Pandora - I think one of the shops in Newcastle might still have it. Want me to nab it for you when I'm down for Christmas if they do?
Oh My Goddess, vol 46

I can remember back in 1997 when I started reading Oh My Goddess, I had this question in the back of my head. How would the introduction between Belldandy's father ("God" by any other name) and Keiichi play out? Here we find out.

It's nice to see OMG moving along with renewed impetus (after all, there are only two volumes remaining...). There's also a retcon added here that at first seems like a cop out, but which makes sense after further thought. It's not as good as the previous one that explains Belldandy's and Keiichi's virginal relationship after all this time, but the logic is sound nonetheless.

Once more I devoured the pages of this one. March 2015 cannot come sooner.