What manga are you reading now?

At the moment I am catching up with my Air Gear manga's and also starting a new series called SS Astro which is a school comedy manga but about the teachers, no students involved for once
Decided to give my Fruits Basket volumes a look while waiting for my Love Hina volumes, reading the first 8 chapters.

Fruits Basket is a decent read but, so far at least, it doesn't really seem to be my type. The art isn't great - I don't like the HUGE beehive eyes and the yaoi/feminine male art is bothersome. The story isn't anything special; it's simply entertaining enough to pass time at this point. The characters are likeable without being too interesting. Basically, everything is good but lacks that extra something that keeps me reading what I rate highly.
Just started reading Chrono Crusade. I'm only up to the second chapter, but it's kept me very interested. So far, so good! Though the sotry line is very D.Gray-Man esque ^^'
(That's assuming D.Gray-Man was released first, though Chrono Crusade looks older... who knows ^^). But, yeah, it's good.
Embalming: The Another Tale of Frankenstein chapters 1-8 Gave this a look after rereading the short story in Buso Renkin vol 10 the other night, got some intresting ideas but so far the switching around of who the main characters is getting annoying, i can only assume that they will be all brought together soon. Funny how its set in england though :p
Vol. 6 of Love Hina

The story started to get going in this volume. In the previous volumes the focus had been on school, a trip to Kyoto, a trip to the beach and then lots of one-shot fun. In Vol. 6 the focus was on the relationship between Keitaro and Naru, with them going on a 1-on-1 date (of sorts), and the mystery surrounding the past of Keitaro is finally starting to become less mysterious. In terms of plot development, this is definitely the best volume so far, and it had my favourite chapter so far (the date chapter).

Next volume should be good; Vol. 6 ended on a cliffhanger. Vol. 7 will undoubtedly be less than serious but I'm still looking forward to the plot/character development that will occur in-between the laughs. Naru finally seems to be being honest with herself, so it shouldn't be too long before something gives between her and Keitaro. The more volumes I read the closer I get to sexy time...or at least that's what I'm assuming.

Sadly, after I read Vol. 7 tomorrow, I'm going to have to wait AGAIN before continuing as Amazon weren't fast enough to ship my order before Sunday. I'll be pissed if it still hasn't been shipped tomorrow - I need more Love Hina. :/
Vol. 7 of Love Hina

Not much to add to the above posts really. I was a little disappointed how the relationship between Keitaro and Naru started to go backwards after chapter 51, with the love triangle preventing the relationship between the main two progressing. I wasn't best pleased with Naru letting her feelings be known in chapter 51, only for her to then go back to not admitting her feelings again after that until later on in the volume. But, thankfully, the fun and games went away towards the end of the volume - Keitaro and Naru got as close as they've ever been.

Annoyingly, Amazon still haven't sent Vol. 8-14. I had hoped for my order to be sent yesterday...
As of late i've found it hard to really make time to get much in the way of anime in, mainly due to mid-terms(thats also my excuse for not continuing the battles), so i've focused more on some manga reading.

Genshiken Vol 4-6 It took me a while to get back into this after finishing volume 3 and the first series, but i'm glad i did now. I always liked its approach to taking the lives of otaku and just following them, as much as it is a good laugh, you could say its fairly interesting as well to see how much different life is to them as it is to someone outside that lifestyle and how they try to adapt throughout the series to what we would deem a 'normal' life, job-seeking, trying to blend in, or not, and so on.

Berserk volume 11 I hadn't really read much on berserk for sometime, so i thought i'd go back to volume 11 and get back into it. Another great volume just adding to why i like the series so much. Just need to read volumes 12-14 which are on my shelves now to catch up to where i have up to.

Fruits Basket a nice series overall i must say, different to a fair bit of what i've read previously. The series i feel is never too serious, and its comedy is always nice, plus i like Tohru's character, always thinking positively, looking forward and strong-willed. Admitedly i'm only about 6 volumes in, but i can see this being one i'll stick with throughout.