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Resurrected Project Dark Zero for the 360. I ain't overly good at it, & the graphics aren't overly good either but its a bit of fun while i wait on a new decent game to come out

Roll on GTAIV
Fired up my Wii & got some points so found myself getting a few N64 Virtual Console games.

Mario Kart 64
Lylat Wars
Paper Mario

Classic gaming :D
Final Fantasy XII, and all the voices are really putting me off the game.

Every voice actor sounds like they're standing too close to the mic, and you can hear weird echoes when they talk, making it seem like the voices aren't coming from the characters. Vaan is undramatic and annoying (Wikipedia informs me that he's in a boybannd), Penelo is also undramatic and annoying, Ashe can't decide whether she's American or English, Fran's voice sounds like a mix between a bad English accent and a Finnish accent, or something like that, and Basch just sounds like Sean Bean. Balthier is the sole person who can do a good English accent. And Wikipedia tells me that he is English, which explains a lot.
Finally got round to using the wii shopping channel, so have started on Paper Mario, and also got RE: Code Veronica X for the gamecube so started on that.
Just started playing through FF12 now.(a crime I know)
Wasint sure about the battle system at first but its now one of my faves in the series.
Turn-based bye-bye.
Outlawstar said:
Just started playing through FF12 now.(a crime I know)
Wasint sure about the battle system at first but its now one of my faves in the series.
Turn-based bye-bye.

Ahhh good ol ff12, i have a real love/hate relationship with that game. To begin with i thought that the hunt sub-quest was a really good idea, but then it slowly dawned on me. I'm grinding from point a to point b constantly, how do i chill out from this monotonous dungeon crawl? Golden saucer? No. Card games? No. Here's an idea......More dungeon crawling! :cry:

Mashing my way through Resistance and Ninja Gaiden Sigma at the mo, Gaiden might find its way to a shop soon though as i find it waaaaaay too hard.
Outlawstar said:
Just started playing through FF12 now.(a crime I know)
Wasint sure about the battle system at first but its now one of my faves in the series.
Turn-based bye-bye.

Takes a while to get used to the fighting system, personally I'm not a great fan as I sucked at setting up the gambit system but the battles do flow a whole lot easier.

Hint: Start hunting early in the game as the rewards are well worth it
i randomly started going Metal Gear mad, and started playing all me MG games for the past 3 days!, i mean i finished Twin Snakes on the GC twice yesterday!, and i started playing Snake Eater again, and i think i will continue playing Portable Ops soon, and may start again on Metal Gear Solid for the GBC (an awsome game)
......i think this MGS madness comes from the hype of me waiting to get MGS4....