What Games Are You Playing?

Maxon said:
Uncharted. So far the gameplay has been pretty dull.
It doesn't get much better either. Story line is awesome though and you'll appreciate Uncharted 2 a whole lot more also. If not for the hundreds of improvments but for the jokes.

OT. Still playing Bayonetta and Heavy Rain mostly. Also playing Bad Comapny 2 (PC) when I get the time. Loving all three!
Finished my second play of Mass Effect 2 on renegade, it's far more satisfying being bad, I'm pretty pissed though, everyone survived except Legion and I took him with me through the entire thing. Might start a third tonight, not sure.
Working through a couple of games.

DS wise: Still got the final case of Miles Edgeworth to do, but asides from that, Pokémon: Heart Gold arrived this morning, so i'm working on that.

360 wise: Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening, 5 hours or so into it and it is enjoyable. Some of the conversations between the other party members is quite good to listen to.

And when i'm at home: Final Fantasy XIII - People need to stop bashing this because they think purely linear and such. It is by no means a bad game. So people should stop reading sankaku or the views from otaku from 2ch, since they just like to nitpick. How about looking at FFX and telling me that for the first half of the game that wasn't linear. =/ Story is nice, characters are nice, to be honest, i can't really complain about it at present.
Only one more mission to go on FF13 now, and damn is it a bitch. 5-starred all the others already though, so at least that is out of the way.
Killed a Long Gui yesterday morning. Was not as hard as I thought it would be, though was not easy considering I still am nowhere near maxing my party out.
I am now finally playing Valkyria Chronicles after completing Bayonetta the other night (on normal setting, half way threw hard at the mo). I've found the game to be very relaxing so far (strange considering it's a revolved around war). It's pritty heavy going at first but once you start getting used to the commands/controls etc it just kinda come together and flows nicely. Only four hours in so far and loving it.
What went from "Yeah I'll play Resident Evil 2 for fifteen minutes, haven't played it in years" afraid of being a little unfamilar with the game turned into me finishing it in just over 3 hours on Claire A.

Dragon Age: Origins - Oh god, I'm gonna be one this for the next week straight now. Bioware RPGs are always like this and 1080p gaming wins. F*ck off you 720p rip-off merchants. I never want to see a game released for the PS3 in anything less than 1080p ever again, you hear me?
ilmaestro said:
Espgaluda II on the iPhone. Probably the best handheld game I've ever played.

This won't work with my ipod touch, 16GB will it? Played it in the arcades a few times, it's a cracking game. Great music too.
Re-play GTA IV and finding it to be far better than I remember, about 1/3 through the game right now.

Picked up on Dragon Quest IV again, man, I -love- Grindin' Adventure.
Lupus said:
Re-play GTA IV and finding it to be far better than I remember, about 1/3 through the game right now.
I've done the same, but instead of starting all over, I'm playing the 2nd half that I haven't completed yet. Needless to say, after a break, it's good to get back into the game. ;)
Back to Phantom Brave after a 3 year hiatus. Took about 3 hours of bumbling incompetence to remember most of what was going on, or at least remember that I couldn't work out most of the battle systems anyway.