just checked my emails and bloody hell, is this my lucky day or something?
I sent an email yesterday to a company that i'd ordered from but they hadn't even dispatched my order;
I placed my order on the 1st of September and today is the 6th (estimated delivery 6th - 10th September)
I'd like to know why its taken this long and the item STILL hasn't even been posted?
I've since ordered other items from amazon and other websites and they have arrived without a problem so in my honest opinion your starting to take the micheal.
Please send my order TODAY (6th September) or i'm cancelling the order due to a failure on your part to send an item i have payed for."
The reply i got just seconds ago:
"I' very sorry for the delay with the shipment of your order.
We aim to ship all items within 48 working hours and currently have a sucsess rate of 94%.
As on this ocassion we have not shipped your order on time we will upgrade your order to Express delviery and it will be marked as a priority to be shipped today.
As a goodwill guesture we would like to offer you a 10% discount off your next order.
Kind Regards"
Next i'll have a call from the gf saying we've got the house haha