What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

Your Name soundtrack by RADWIMPS. I do especially like the music in Your Name and thought I'd get the CD to go with the film as I don't think there was ever a Blu-ray release that included the soundtrack (?)
I'll second that and I got this myself as I loved the music and don't recall seeing it packaged with any of the movie editions. Fortunately WWY had the soundtrack with some movie editions and I think I preferred that and also felt the lyrics were better in that.

Note to self: Am reminded now that I need to get the movie soundtracks for the second and third Heaven's Feel movies (not sure if they're bundled in the Japanese CEs like the first movie's Japanese CE) and the first 3 Eva rebuilds.
Received since last post! - also picked up the following LEGO sets:
  • 21348 Dungeon’s & Dragons - The Red Dragon’s Tale
  • 31161 Medieval Dragon
  • 40630 Frodo & Gollum
  • 40631 Gandalf they Grey & Balrog
  • 40632 Aragorn & Arwen
  • 40643 Jade Rabbit
  • 40751 Legolas & Gimli
  • 40813 Lucky Cat
  • 71439 Adventures with Interactive LEGO Mario
  • 71819 Dragon Stone Shrine
  • 71822 Source Dragon of Motion
  • 77092 The Great Deku Tree
  • 80116 Trotting Lantern
I'm not really much of a figure person, but the recent event in Genshin did remind me that they made actual real-life versions of the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder. Thankfully, I was able to find a site still selling what I think is the second run of the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder, and for a decent price, so I stuck an order in.

Ordered it about a week and a half ago (the 23rd), and today, my Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder arrived safe and sound.

The lack of space I have due to my large collection of blu-rays and manga is one of the reasons I've never really bothered with anime figures at all, so I'm not sure exactly where I'm gonna put my Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder, but that's a problem for later-me.

