What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

I'm so happy to see another 5CMPS fan here, it is one of my favourite movies and definitely my favourite Shinkai one. The soundtrack is absolutely gorgeous too. It was this and the Whisper of the Heart Steelbook that started me on the journey to get a complete set. Like you I'm not usually a big fan of steelbooks but the Shinkai and Ghibli ones are beautiful. After I got this I spent the next few months tracking them all down.

I ended up triple dipping on Shinkai blurays. I already had the standard editions then I got the steelbooks then I got the anthology (As well as the "A Sky Longing for Memories" art book, the 5CMPS manga, One More Side book and the Garden of Words Manga) I am a pretty big fan 😁

This is my Shinkai collection 😊
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That's a lovely collection! Yours looks much more aesthetically pleasing than mine with those matching steelbooks and the anthology set! I actually had no idea about that art book you mentioned, I'm going to have to pick that up! Thanks very much for mentioning it.

You made me want to dig out my own collection out and put them together, mine is a little bit more of a mish-mash, looks-wise:


5CMPS was the first film I saw by Shinkai and it just absolutely blew me away in terms of the art, animation, storytelling, and themes it raised. I can't remember exactly when I first saw it (I think I watched it illegally online when I was an angsty teenager, lol) and then I purchased the Manga Entertainment DVD of it soon after, when they came out. I've only got 5CMPs and Your Name in terms of the manga but I'd highly recommend the other light novels if you haven't tried them already (I still need to pick up the LNs of A Place Promised In Our Early Days and Voices of a Distant Star at some point).

Outside of the 5CMPS manga, I'm not the biggest fan of the manga adaptations - I think the 5CMPS manga is essential reading as it fleshes out some of the characters more and you see more of what happens post-film to them. However, I was a bit indifferent to the Your Name manga and I read the Weathering with You manga online and felt the same (nice reads, but I don't think they add much to the stories); which is why I think I stopped buying the manga for the films. Film + novel is my thing for Shinkai films now.

But yes, very big fan here too! 😁
Blind-boxed Sailor Moon mini-figpins. I don't usually try my luck with blind boxes, so I was pleasantly surprised at what I got. Sailor Mars is common (1:5), but the others are rare glitter variants, with Luna being 1:15 and Sailor Moon 1:40. Ideally I would have preferred Jupiter instead of Mars, but really I would have been happy with anything except Sailor Mercury (she's a bit boring), so this is a great selection.

One thing to note about mini-figpins is that they don't have the special back that lets them stand up for display like full-sized figpins.
A few bits and pieces that have arrived over the past few days or so.

Arriving first, from Forbidden Planet, One Piece: Volume 108 and Sakamoto Days: Volume 16.

I have to say the cover for volume sixteen of Sakamoto Days is hitting hard. I also can't believe I have 108 volumes of One Piece now, haha. When will it end?! 😂

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Next to arrive from Amazon UK, was a copy of the Your Name soundtrack by RADWIMPS. I do especially like the music in Your Name and thought I'd get the CD to go with the film as I don't think there was ever a Blu-ray release that included the soundtrack (?).


It has also been a while since I purchased a standalone CD and this is quite a pretty little one. 27-tracks are included. I almost forgot that listening to music via CD is much better than through some irresponsibly sourced audio files on your computer!

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Then lastly, Naruto Collector's Set 2 and Bleach Set 4 arrived from Anime Limited. Filling up those collector boxes!

That's a lovely collection! Yours looks much more aesthetically pleasing than mine with those matching steelbooks and the anthology set! I actually had no idea about that art book you mentioned, I'm going to have to pick that up! Thanks very much for mentioning it.

You made me want to dig out my own collection out and put them together, mine is a little bit more of a mish-mash, looks-wise:

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5CMPS was the first film I saw by Shinkai and it just absolutely blew me away in terms of the art, animation, storytelling, and themes it raised. I can't remember exactly when I first saw it (I think I watched it illegally online when I was an angsty teenager, lol) and then I purchased the Manga Entertainment DVD of it soon after, when they came out. I've only got 5CMPs and Your Name in terms of the manga but I'd highly recommend the other light novels if you haven't tried them already (I still need to pick up the LNs of A Place Promised In Our Early Days and Voices of a Distant Star at some point).

Outside of the 5CMPS manga, I'm not the biggest fan of the manga adaptations - I think the 5CMPS manga is essential reading as it fleshes out some of the characters more and you see more of what happens post-film to them. However, I was a bit indifferent to the Your Name manga and I read the Weathering with You manga online and felt the same (nice reads, but I don't think they add much to the stories); which is why I think I stopped buying the manga for the films. Film + novel is my thing for Shinkai films now.

But yes, very big fan here too! 😁
You have a beautiful collection, I love the all the books you have. I would definitely recommend the art book, especially as you are a fan of 5CMPS. I got into his work years ago when I picked up the Manga UK DVD of 5CMPS for £5 and I absolutely loved it. I agree that the manga is essential for 5CMPS, it finishes the story in a much more satisfying way. 5CMPS is my favourite of his works by far closely followed by The Garden of Words I think I'm in the minority though when it comes to Your Name, it is actually my least favourite of his films 😬

Thanks for recommending the light novels, I think I will look into getting them 🙂
Souvenirs from London.
Wasn't going to buy Death Mount.

Healing Magic will probably be the last time I hear Atsuko Tanaka's voice in a new anime. She has been a favourite for 30 years.

Also got two Mike Hammer hardback books from Forbidden Planet for 99p each.


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One thing to note about mini-figpins is that they don't have the special back that lets them stand up for display like full-sized figpins.
Hold the press; I was wrong. These can stand up, but the packaging doesn't bother to explain how. I didn't figure it out at first because it involves leaving one of the pins exposed, which isn't great unless you're planning to put it in a display case.