What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

I've seen it twice before. Definitely enjoyed it more the second time when I didn't have to wait a week between episodes.
Yeah as much as I love the series I think it's one that (and I can't believe I'm saying this) would've worked better if they had released it all in one go or one arc at a time. Definitely works better binged. That said it's still a fantastic series even if it's the weakest Natsume/Fukushi production. Also got Kensuke Ushio's soundtrack on CD it's that good.
@sniper_samurai Ok, yeah I don't have prime.

Hmm, it gets weirder, Amazon made a reservation on my card , it was showing prepare for dispatch on Saturday.

Now they returned that reservation, and made a new reservation on my card today...

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