What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

Got three shipments today and I drove to a town, around 1.5 hours from where I live, and picked up some manga. To my surprise, they had Sekirei in stock, and exactly those hard to find volumes, so I impulse bought them, lol.
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Sekirei is one of the luckiest purchases I made during COVID because they were very hard to find. Don't know if they're still in print nowadays but Blackwells was the saviour for a lot of out of stock manga.

Good thing you've been picking up The 100 Girlfriends series considering Season 2 is in January which will probably make more volumes go out of stock for a while due to demand.
Respect your perseverance in hunting down these YUA volumes. I tried years ago to obtain the box sets but they were OOP even then, I kept losing ebay auctions and eventually gave up. It really is time it got a re-release, I’m sure the original OVAs in particular would look fantastic in HD.
Thanks man ✌🔥
I already own Box 1 and 2, with Box 3 in my Stackry locker arriving next year.

Box 4 in particular is so rare and hard to find I just ended grabbing the single volumes to avoid stress and save a ton of money.

I just have to find Volume 10 and 11 at some point next year.
Those You're Under Arrest volumes are making me very nostalgic,i remember buying the boxsets years ago from united publications,did you get those volumes at a fair price or cost you an arm and a leg,either way great to see the show still has its fans.
Fortunately at a very fair price.

Same for Box 1-3 strangely enough from generous sellers, although I keep on flopping on Box 4 eBay auditions last minute recently so I just decided to grab them individually and slowly.

A bunch of stuff arrived so I'll probably split this into two parts. These arrived on Thursday and Saturday.

Before Black Friday weekend came to a close, I noticed that Crunchyroll UK's Store was also running a sale of their own and I initially shrugged it because their main prices were too expensive and not appealing at all, but then I had a proper look at the sale prices themselves and it was quite honestly really surprising. The prices they had on offer were way better than any other UK retailer when it came to their titles which was shocking, like if you were someone who wanted to get the same prices that United Publications used to provide before they stopped selling anime, then you would have loved the prices on offer.

Now I wasn't sure when exactly the sale was going to conclude so I decided to order a bunch of stuff on the same day. The first order we have here is dedicated to a selection of limited edition Blu-ray releases that I've been interested in owning but with so many titles being released and the prices themselves I didn't pre-order them.

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Starting off with Hell's Paradise Season 1, this is a pretty neat action historical dark fantasy type series adapted by MAPPA. I own all 13 volumes of the manga from VIZ SIGNATURE but I saved reading them until the anime finishes the story, since there is a second season in the works. The limited edition Crunchyroll produced is pretty good, though I am sad that they didn't go with the same model that One Punch Man had where the art cards could be used to change the front cover design inside the slipcase.

You can view more photos & specs on my blog.

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Next we have Tomo-chan is a Girl!, an entertaining romance series that adapts the manga in its entirety. This was a surprising series because I didn't expect it to be this good, and I'm happy that Crunchyroll provided a limited edition since the story is one and done. The side characters were fun too.

You can view more photos & specs on my blog.

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And then we have Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! Season 2, which I have yet to watch because of bad timing. I thought the first season was surprisingly decent and I liked the characters and story considering this is one of those shows where the female lead picks on the main protagonist trope. I heard the manga has progressed pretty well so I am curious to see if studio ENGI decides to make more seasons of this.

You can view more photos & specs on my blog.

Next we have the second order from the Crunchyroll UK Store, which is focused on regular Blu-ray releases from the distributor. Now I didn't have to buy these immediately but the prices themselves were good enough for me to jump ahead and get them.

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Starting off with The Great Cleric, a surprisingly entertaining isekai series, not for everyone and pretty basic in animation but I enjoyed it enough to pick up the Blu-ray. The anime aired in July 2023 and was adapted by studios Yokohama Animation Laboratory (The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt) and Cloud Hearts (Whisper Me a Love Song).

Next we have My Unique Skill Makes Me OP Even at Level 1. Not seen this isekai but it was on offer so I figured I'll pick it up. I actually thought it was a sub only release but there is a dub. The anime aired in July 2023 and was adapted by studio Maho Film (I'm Standing on a Million Lives).

Then comes Rent-A-Girlfriend Season 2. The cringe adventures of Kazuya continues into this season. I've watched Season 1 but not the rest and I didn't get the chance to watch the later seasons during simulcast, but I have heard the development is what you would expect from Kazuya. This season adapts volumes 7-12 of the manga apparently. The anime aired in July 2022 and was adapted by studio TMS Entertainment (MEGALOBOX).

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Next we have Rent-A-Girlfriend Season 3. Just to clarify, the waifus in this series are great and I feel bad about them having to deal with Kazuya but hey ho we have multiple seasons to go through. This season adapts volumes 13-19 of the manga apparently (there's 38 and counting by the way). The anime aired in July 2023 and was adapted by studio TMS Entertainment (MEGALOBOX).

Then we have That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime the Movie: Scarlet Bond, an original theatrical anime film for the isekai series. Slime is like the Monogatari of the isekai genre because it's a very dialogue driven show with not much emphasis on action for the most part. I know a lot of people hated the third season due to so many conversations but Slime is interesting enough for me to keep going. Granted I've not seen the third season yet because I wanted to watch this film first which takes place before that. The film theatrically released in November 2022 and animated by studio Eight Bit (Blue Lock).

And last but not least we have Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion, which is also an isekai series but based on a South Korean web novel. I haven't heard much about the series but the art style and premise had me intrigued so I figured I'll pick it up. The anime aired in April 2023 and was adapted by studio Typhoon Graphics (Dahlia in Bloom).

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Switch Haul 20 - EXZEUS, Record of Agarest War & The World Ends With You 2.jpg

Next we have a Black Friday haul from Canadian retailer Video Games Plus. This haul is a bit random but it was hard to pick which ones that I wanted to get and own in the moment as a lot of the titles available will still be around for next time.

Starting off with EXZEUS The Complete Collection, this is a collection of two arcade shooters developed by a French studio living in Japan. The first game saw a release on PlayStation 2 and Nintendo Wii while the second game came out on Windows. Both games are together here and received a physical release through Limited Run Games as a standalone release (not part of their numbered line-up) which went on offer on VGP.

Next we have Record of Agarest War, which is a remaster of the PlayStation 3 strategy RPG that Idea Factory & Compile Heart made back in the day. Some of you may be more familiar with the European name Agarest: Generations of War from Ghostlight, which I do own but I admittedly haven't played considering these are pretty long RPGs. Now Ghostlight did release the game for Nintendo Switch but they decided to make it digital only, and the North American physical version is rather uncommon so it was a miracle to see Video Games Plus receive more stock for it during the sale.

And last but not least we have The World Ends With You: Final Remix, a remastered version of the classic Nintendo DS game by Square Enix. Now I believe this Switch version is based on the mobile version of the game and the only issue is the use of motion controls which put off a lot of people, but to me this was just another way of being able to play/own the original game since this was not brought over to PlayStation compared to its sequel. The game did receive a physical in Europe but its very uncommon.

Part 2 of the batch consists of the remaining packages all arriving yesterday (Saturday).

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Switch Haul 21 - Clock Tower & Hatsune Miku Logic Paint 2.jpg

The next batch of Limited Run Games finally arrived when they started shipping them out back in November. Here we have two Nintendo Switch games in physical form.

The big one here is Clock Tower: Rewind, an enhanced port of the 1995 cult classic Super Famicom game released only in Japan at the time by Human Entertainment, the developers behind Twilight Syndrome. The rest of the world saw the sequel released on PlayStation as the first one but that's not the case. This is a point and click trial and error survival horror game with a presentation style reminiscent of Dario Argento's Phenomena which looks great. I also like the WayForward intro and their anime inspired character designs though the main game itself is still the original look. The game is said to be short but difficult unless you know the crit-path.

Next we finally have a physical release for a Picross game. Hatsune Miku: Logic Paint S is a puzzle game developed by Crypton Future Media, the same folks behind the other Hatsune Miku games and here it's picross as mentioned. This was released in 2021 and Limited Run Games have provided a physical release for the Nintendo Switch version which I immediately jumped on because it's absolutely criminal that a Picross game has yet to be released physically for crying out loud. Overlord and Shield Hero both have Picross games but those are still digital only.

Next we have the Sentai Filmworks Black Friday haul which is one that I have planned to pick up anime from the start, since I wasn't going to bother much with the other holiday-related sales. Now the selection was good but some that I had wanted were either not part of this sale or not at the right price range just yet. While purchasing 12 anime release is a lot, the big difference here compared to Crunchyroll Store is the prices themselves which are very cheap.

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In alphabetical order we start off with Dai Shogun: Great Revolution, a historical mecha ecchi anime series which I remember they tried to produce a CG anime but that failed the crowdfunding project. The anime aired in April 2014 by studios J.C.Staff (DanMachi) & A.C.G.T. (Freezing).

Next we have Getter Robo Arc, the latest series in the Go Nagai Getter Robo franchise to be adapted into an anime. Now I recall this one isn't exactly newcomer friendly but with Discotek putting out so many of these it's not too hard to keep up. I am surprised there's a whole disc dedicated to bonus features which is cool. The anime aired in July 2021 and was adapted by studios Bee Media (Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact!) and Studio A-Cat (Highspeed Etoile).

Girlish Number is here and it's a pretty good series about voice acting in an anime. While the final arc is a bit harsh the series as a whole was solid. The anime aired in October 2016 and was adapted by studio Diomedéa (Ahiru no Sora).

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Locodol is an idol series that's caught my eye for a while and then later discovered Sentai were selling this series for as low as $1.99 like, well sure why not. The anime aired in July 2014 and was adapted by studio Feel (Spy Classroom).

Love and Lies is a romance series with an interesting premise but how it ends I have no clue and it could go either way. The art style also intrigued me though I can see putting off many viewers. The anime aired in July 2017 and was adapted by studio Liden Films (Tokyo Revengers).

Love, Election & Chocolate is a weird name but go with it. Based on an eroge visual novel with character designs by Yū Akinashi (Hina Logic: Luck & Logic), this series much like many others back in the day was also adapted into an anime which got adapted designed by Hiroaki Gouda of Amagami SS fame. The first time I heard about this series was a promo card that you often get from Rightstuf which was cool. The anime aired in July 2012 and was adapted by studio AIC (Persona 4: The Animation).

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Next we have Maria Holic & Maria Holic Alive, two seasons bundled together in one complete series collection. This series first caught my interest when Sentai released them on home video. Yukihiro Miyamoto (Puella Magi Madoka Magica), Akiyuki Shinbo (Monogatari) and Tomokazu Tokoro (NieA_7) were the directors involved which intrigues me. The first season aired in January 2009 and the second season aired in April 2011, and both were adapted by studio SHAFT (March comes in like a Lion).

Then we have Samurai Girls & Samurai Bride, two seasons also bundled together in one complete series collection. The first time that I heard about this franchise was actually the fact that it was one of the first Blu-ray releases in the UK by Manga and KAZE UK, and I remember also because it got an 18. It's basically ecchi samurai action because why not. The first season aired in September 2010 and the second season aired in April 2013, and both were adapted by studio Arms (Queen's Blade).

A series that I've been interested in recently got a re-release by Sentai in recent years is Waiting in the Summer. This started off as a subtitled only title and then received an English dub with its OVA included. Tatsuyuki Nagai (Anohana) directed the series and it's probably the most polished show in this haul. The anime aired in January 2012 and was adapted by studio J.C.Staff (Toradora!).

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Next we have Young Black Jack, a prequel to Osamu Tezuka's Black Jack series. I don't go out of my way to watch a Tezuka franchise these days but the Black Jack franchise has caught my attention. I own the film that Discotek released years ago Black Jack the Movie which I haven't watched yet but read its one of the best, the Urasawa collaboration series Pluto was very good too, and I did hear Atom: The Beginning is pretty decent. So I'm looking forward to watching this anime, which Sentai also re-released so it must have done well enough to get that kind of treatment. The anime aired in October 2015 and was adapted by studio Tezuka Productions (The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses).

Yusibu: I Couldn't Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job has a silly premise but it works given the crazy amount of premises we have nowadays thanks to isekai. This series was produced in-between The Future Diary and Big Order so it was the calm before the storm for quality by the studio. The anime aired in October 2013 and was adapted by studio Asread (ARIFURETA).

And last but not least is a spin-off that people wouldn't realise is related to the Z/X Ignition series - Z/X Code Reunion. As soon as I picked up the Discotek Media release I immediately wanted to pick this one up because I was curious to see what direction they took with this, since it's mostly disconnected. The anime aired in October 2019 and was adapted by studio Passione (Spice & Wolf).

Those of you who have seen my pickups over the year may recognise that I did own the UK versions for Dai Shogun, Girlish Number, Love and Lies, Love, Election & Chocolate, and Yusibu: I Couldn't Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job a few years ago (2020 & 2021) but I sold them in favour of Sentai's re-releases.