What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!


Three packages today, probably the final batch for the month unless HMV delivers Dark Water before the end of tomorrow.

Discotek - As Miss Beelzebub Likes It 1.jpg

Today we have a Discotek Media pickup and it's just one series for the time being. As Miss Beelzebub Likes It is a comedy fantasy series that has romance involved, which from first glance reminded me of the Place to Place series. Now even though Discotek Media released it on Blu-ray in May 2022, this is a Crunchyroll title and if you haven't paid much attention as of late, the CR licensed shows under Discotek have started to discontinue.

It doesn't help that this series is currently sold out on Crunchyroll's store so the only option I had was basically pick it up through Amazon. Thankfully it arrived without issue but its a shame it's not in stock as it's going to get harder for folks to own the series if they wanted to.

As Miss Beelzebub Likes It is compatible with the Top-Menu method for Region B players.

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Lupin the Third Part 6 - 08.jpg

Also arrived today are two newly released Anime Limited collector's editions that were supposed to have been released a few weeks ago - Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation and Lupin the Third Part 6. The former has a really nice book with some interesting artwork and the latter is more Lupin. You can view more photos and specs for both of these on my blog.

Also arrived today are two newly released Anime Limited collector's editions that were supposed to have been released a few weeks ago - Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation and Lupin the Third Part 6. The former has a really nice book with some interesting artwork and the latter is more Lupin. You can view more photos and specs for both of these on my blog.

Can't wait for these two to get delivered, along with the Golden Time CE. My package has made it across the pond to New York, and it just left Queens this morning. I only live 3 hours from NYC, so I should receive it tomorrow or Thursday. I love Beautiful Bones and Golden Time, I'm so excited to get Collector's Editions for these!
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Two packages today, now the final batch for the month.

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A Place Further Than the Universe has arrived a day earlier than I had anticipated, and its also a bigger box that expected. Much like To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts, this is also a UK/US release with AB discs, Crunchyroll font for subtitles and an English dub not available for streaming. It's a very good show this one. You can view more photos and specs on my blog.

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Last item of the month is a recent Arrow Video release! Hideo Nakata's 2002 J-Horror film Dark Water (仄暗い水の底から) was re-released for the 4K Ultra HD format not long ago and I wanted to pick it up as I did enjoy the film when I watched it on Blu-ray years back.
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Spine is about the same width as Pigtails.




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Character guide
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Episode guide

Also contains chonky interviews with Director and the Writer, and Director and 3 of the art team.
I received my second pre-order of Early Bird Collector's Editions from AlltheAime I made back in March, but since two of the items were delayed they all arrived just today:

Golden Time Collector's Edition
Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation Collector's Edition
Lupin the Third Part 6 Collector's Edition
