Combat Butler
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Warning: if you're planning to buy the US release of Shin Ultraman, be aware that the only subtitle track is closed captioned (ie. It has written descriptions of sound effects, states the name of the character who is speaking, etc). I found it unwatchable that way. Annoyingly I read three reviews of this release before ordering it, and none of them mentioned this problem.
Fortunately there's a serviceable English dub too. Not a great one, but good enough. I don't really like dubs for live-action movies, but found it less distracting than the closed captions.
There's no Hong Kong release, AFAIK, so this is the only way to own the movie legally in English at the moment.
SHIN ULTRAMAN Corrected! Subtitle Problems Fixed On US and Canadian Blu-ray and DVD Editions
Source: Cleopatra Entertainment, LLC Special Thanks to Tim Yasui Tim Yasui, VP/General Manager of Cleopatra Entertainment, has reached out to SciFi Japan t...