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Thanks for confirming I’ll likely put an order in for the Deluxe edition at some point, happy it finally has a release date.
... it doesn't look anything like XV.

It's basically the ATB system, but with free movement and camera, whilst letting you attack in place of just waiting for the ATB gauge to fill. Personally, I think it looks great: flashy for those who don't like more turn-based stuff, but is basically just the ATB at its core hiding behind the modern flourishes. Best of both worlds.

The whole system of having other party members fill up their ATB in the background, then switching to them to do attacks looks smooth. It's like a culmination of everything they've learned of real-time combat from XV and KH, whilst making an effort to keep it true to VII, whilst also including other stuff, like a stagger mechanic from XIII.

I think it looks fantastic, can't wait to play it.
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Ace Attorney Trilogy PS4 from eBay (managed to get a physical Japanese copy that apparently defaults to English anyway.)

Blade Runner 4K Blu Ray Special Edition, also from eBay.
Ace Attorney Trilogy PS4 from eBay (managed to get a physical Japanese copy that apparently defaults to English anyway.)
I have the Switch version and it defaults to English or Japanese depending on your system language. I'd assume PS4 is the same.
Well because of a glitch, I got season 5 of Silicon Valley for £2.49 on Amazon Video. All the episodes showed up as £0.00.. stupidly I clicked more purchase options and one episode changed to £2.49.. lesson learned..
I’m jealous, everyone has nice cabinets for their anime collection. The majority of mine are in 3 big boxes in my wardrobe as my bookshelves have actual books (manga) on them so I have no room for cabinets.
I bought the Ace Attorney Trilogy in the PSN sale.

I've already finished them all on DS and again on 3DS, but I absolutely love them (especially Trials & Tribulations), so I may as well make it a triple for the trilogy!
I was passing the clearance shelving in HMV when I popped in after work, when I spotted this:
A bargain Blu-ray upgrade for one of my favourites.

I noticed copies of some of Universal's anime sets in the clearance section as well. Parts of Seraph and Arslan, as well as Drifters, were going for between £15 and £20.

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