What did you BUY today?

A forwarding service may actually be cheaper and faster than shipping by a private individual - I just shipped a couple anime to the UK I sold from my collection privately, and just for a single anime in a small box it cost $25-$35 for the cheapest 10-15 day shipping internationally via the US Postal Service First Class International. Quicker shipping or other shippers like UPS and Fedex start at $50+ and go up from there for anything international. It's crazy expensive to ship overseas any more. Retailers and probably forwarders as well would get cheaper bulk rates for shipping.
I think most proxy services start at around $20 for single DVD shipping. Add on the handling and service fees and it gets quite a bit more costly
A forwarding service may actually be cheaper and faster than shipping by a private individual - I just shipped a couple anime to the UK I sold from my collection privately, and just for a single anime in a small box it cost $25-$35 for the cheapest 10-15 day shipping internationally via the US Postal Service First Class International. Quicker shipping or other shippers like UPS and Fedex start at $50+ and go up from there for anything international. It's crazy expensive to ship overseas any more. Retailers and probably forwarders as well would get cheaper bulk rates for shipping.
They probably don't. RS claims that they only charge the shipping on their international shippings and that number is pretty much the same as individual people shipping stuff.
US shipping prices are pretty high, but they get progessively cheaper once there is more stuff in one package. (Though after a certain value it runs over the customs treshold, which causes more fees, so it's a delicate thing to balance that out.) Shipping one single Manga/BD is like the most expensive thing to send.
Last night I purchased:

Sailor Kiwa-Guro ink
Sailor Procolor 500 Stardust with Japanese Fine Nib (About the same as a Lamy SF nib)

Price £76.70
Down to £56.80
Well, in one one my slightly drunk buys

550 euro has left my account

What for you ask.... time will tell :'(
You have purchased a product called "a mountain of anime" it's pretty much an on the tin kind of deal. Which ones remains to be seen, there could be one or two hentais thrown in just to make the whole thing.
That said I might go for the previous seasons of MHA never payed the dub much attention, heard my leige was all might and the balance matching the price for those seasons mysteriously left my account.
I am doing terrible in this economy
Another night at Travelodge Gatwick. I was going to get a train home after i landed as it won't be that late so decided to check the train times. I know i have 1 and half hours from landing before the last train but i just know i won't make it as i'll need to get to the gate, then what seems like walking the whole length of the airport to get to security and then baggage...i just know i won't make it. So instead of sleeping at the station until the first train i might as well have a nice bed and then breakfast in the morning.

Oh and travel insurance
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From Wordery

Hybrid x Heart Magiad Academy Ataraxia vol 3
Monster Musume vol 13
Tales of Wedding Rings vol 2

To Love Ru Darkness vol 3 & 4
Yokai Girls vol 3
Yuuna and the Haunted Hot-Spring's vol 1
Dropped my pledge for the Bean Bandit Kickstarter, I can use that $40+ towards a full season of anime rather than just a 5 minute clip.
I did the same, would rather it be a full length episode for that price.
This makes a sad ayase. What really makes me sad however is that this has attracted a fraction of the funding of the GSC blu-ray Kickstarter... I mean that will be nice to have, but I’d much rather have new content from Sonoda. This failing to attract less than like $1m is just another sign the modern world is crap.
This makes a sad ayase. What really makes me sad however is that this has attracted a fraction of the funding of the GSC blu-ray Kickstarter... I mean that will be nice to have, but I’d much rather have new content from Sonoda. This failing to attract less than like $1m is just another sign the modern world is crap.

Bean Bandit is an old show, maybe people overestimated its popularity? A 5 min anime is a waste of time to be honest, I can understand the disappointment. Its hard resurrecting old franchises these days very few pull it off and the further you go back the harder it is. Even AOT has found that if you leave it too long the audience disappears and moves onto the next big thing.

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